Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back on the homefront... (This goes out to Cheryl)

Alright folks, the long awaited "I'm back home" post is finally here. (Basically because I didn't want Daniella to beat me up...)

I've been home for about 2 months now. It's been an interesting transition. I felt like I was pretty mentally prepared for what it would be like to be back home....I now feel like that was not exactly the case. =) It's been somewhat of a rollercoaster...and even now, I still find myself thinking about St. Louis fairly often. least 14 times a day. =)

Let me just say this though: God has continued to be SO faithful to me! (Well...DUH! Of course He has!)
I've been just blown away....I knew that being away for a year had changed me but being back in my old environment has proven that to be even more true than I realized...He has really changed the very core of who I am. How I relate to people, what I value, and how I use my time has changed drastically.

It's been interesting to see how that has affected my relationships here. For the most part, I would say that people around me have been really accepting to the changes that have taken place....kind of giving me a little bit of time to adjust and allowing me to be who I am without having expectations or preconceived ideas.

At first it was a bit rough trying to figure out where I fit in exactly. And there was definitely a fear in me of going back to what I was before...but like I said before, I've come to realize that God has truly changed my from the inside out.

It's been amazing to see some of the prophecies that I got in St. Louis come true since I've been back....I WAS in fact overwhelmed by what I felt like God wanted me to do. Feeling inadequate and unsure about where to start but He has really paved the way.

I met with Warren and we brainstormed and came up with some pretty great ideas. I've had the privilege of working on starting some new things here at the River Center and it's been really exciting to see God bless all of it! I can honestly say that before I left for FYT I did not LOVE serving the church- but God has really changed my perspective. I LOVE being a part of what God is doing.

This morning my friend Chris Nordstrand left for FYT in St. Louis. It was kind of weird saying goodbye to him last night...I told him that I was more sad about the fact that he was getting to see my friends than I was about the fact that he was actually leaving. =) That MAY or may not be true.... Seriously though, I'm excited that he'll be connecting with such amazing people and I have no doubt that God is going to completely transform his life! So exciting!

OH! AND!!!!!!!!!!!! Renee is coming to visit me in September and I can't even handle how excited I am about it and we're going to go to the beach and we're gonna go see fun things and meet fun people and have fun and oh my word I can't wait. (Yes, NANCY, that was ONE sentence)
Alright- I think that's all for now. =)
I am going to make a serious effort to update this more often. FOR REAL.

I'm feeling slightly scatterbrained if I jumped around a bit. =)