Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tuesday night thoughts...

I'm gonna try to make this quick....I'm sleepy. =)

But these are a few things that have been on my mind lately.

Today we had our Bible Doctrine meeting with Seth.....and the topic of conversation was "God's Providence" If this is something that you've never studied or thought much about, I would encourage you to do so. I'm not gonna explain everything in here...but I'll give a few highlights. =)

For one.....I was just like blown away by the thought that GOD (The GOD of the Universe) is truly in control of every single action. I mean, think about that for a second.....I know that this is like a "yeah, duh" kinda thing....but is it something that we actually consciously think about? Yeah, probably not nearly as often as we should! I mean....

When I walk into the store and find EXACTLY what I need- GOD
When I'm in a hurry and the light turns green- GOD
When I'm climbing into bed and my pillow is just the right degree of coldness- GOD
When it starts to rain outside- GOD
When it stops raining outside- GOD
When I wake up and I'm all cozy warm but not hot- GOD
When I'm lonely and get a text from a loved one at that exact moment- GOD

I think you get the picture. Of course there IS a flip side to that too....and that things that aren't so great are also God too. God cannot do evil.(Duh) BUT God does allow evil...

Not gonna lie...that is a TOUGH concept to wrap your head around. Probably one of the toughest. Because we all know that God can't do evil...and God is NOT evil.....But...God IS in all things....There's a really great quote in the book I'm reading about this but I don't have the book with me. So you're just gonna have to take my word for it. =)

Sometimes I find myself getting frustrated with the fact that I can't wrap my tiny human brain around some of these concepts. And then I remember this....If I already knew everything, I wouldn't be seeking God to find more knowledge. =) And if I THOUGHT I knew everything, then I would be putting myself on the same level as God. And well...That's not a good place to be. =)

So yeah, that talk was really good today. Tomorrow we have a meeting with Mick Vedova to talk about budgets and financial planning. Should be good. =)

We're going to the corn maze on Friday night and carving pumpkins on Saturday. =)

I've recently decided that fall is my favorite.
And pumpkin shaped candy corn. lol Even though I've YET to see it in this state. =)

I think I'm gonna go crawl into that cozy bed that God has prepared for me. lol

Goodnight world....
Love and miss you Oregonians! =)


  1. Brit,

    Number 1: Thank you for that encouraging word this morning about God being in EVERYTHING. I needed that reminder. How comforting is that to know that God walks with us and cares about my life?! I can do and go through ALL THINGS because I know God gives me strength! Love it.

    Number 2: I can see a big shipment of Pumpkin Shaped Candy Corn coming your way from your momma. :) (Sherry, I just saw a huge bag of them at Sarah Haley's house...I THINK she got them at Winco) :)

    Number 3: Your mom brought Kris Krabill cookies to Small Group last night and I think ate 7.

    Number 4: Fall is definitly my favorite season, too! Love all the colors and "cozing" up with big sweaters and scarves, sipping hot cider...yum.

    Miss you! All is well here...counting down all the days until Christmas to see you!
    Love you,

  2. Wow....This IS an encouraging word! I mean, like you said, we know this, but do we actually stop and think about it? God truly is in ALL things! Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the pland I have for you...." He Knows...He knows! He wants to be in total control of our lives...we just have to surrender. That has been my word for this week. SURRENDER....

    Yep...I will be sending pumpkin shaped candy corn tomorrow! :) Any other requests....you ask, I will send! :)

    I find my myself wondering what the fall looks like there in the Lou...it is so beautiful here. You know those trees that I love? The ones that have red, orange and yellow leaves on them...all those colors on the same tree...blows my mind! Again...GOD

    Miss you so much, my Brit. Only 66 more days! I am really looking forward to seeing you...I took Mikayla to Bridge tonight and I got 2 great big hugs from Gina....Wow....did that ever feel good! Made me miss you even more! Can't wait to just sit and talk with you for hours!

    Very proud of you, you are experiencing all that God has for you right now..and I love it that you are sharing it with the rest of us!

    Take care of yourself...I need to see you in 66 days!

    Love you more than chocolate....
