Sunday, November 8, 2009


APPARENTLY I haven't been too motivated to blog lately. Ooooops.

Anyways...I don't have any super important thing to talk about...maybe that's why. So...I guess I will just share with all ya'll a couple of things that God's placed on my heart lately. =)

FIRST of all...I have been in LOVE with this song lately & I find myself singing "You are holy, great and mighty, the moon and the stars declare who you are. I'm so unworthy, but still you love me. Forever my heart will sing of how great you are." Gah! What lyrics! What truth. =)

Anyways, That's what I've had on my mind lately. When we're out at some college campus doing surveys and in my own strength...I do NOT want to be talking to random strangers, I find myself out loud saying "The POWER of Christ compels you!" I start to get caught up in the fact that this is SO outside of my comfort zone that it's not even funny...and I begin to pray that God would change my attitude. Suddenly I notice different things about people. Instead of seeing them all as mass quantities of people that I don't know, I see them as individuals who are lost and in desperate need of a savior and my heart breaks for them.

God is good. He is. It's a fact. Although sometimes it's hard to understand. I've decided that although it goes against every Brittney-tendency...I'm going to have to be O.K. with NOT fully understanding some things.

For example, last week we had our Bible Doctrine talk with Rick. Oh man oh man. Topic of Discussion: Election. I've been really excited for this talk because I want to understand both sides of this topic better so that I can form an opinion rather than just "going with the flow" of what everyone thinks. And here's my conclusion: I'm not going to try and convince anyone to believe on thing or another. Calvinism, Arminianism, What-the-heck-are-you-talking-about-ism. It doesn't matter. THIS topic is NOT a matte of salvation. This topic should NOT divide churches. Don't get me wrong, you should KNOW what you believe and you should stand firm in it.

But here's the thing: believing one side over the other is not going to cause you to go to hell. I have an opinion, and if someone asked me what it was, I would share it. But at the same time, I don't feel the need to convince everyone to believe the same thing I do.

In praying about it, I feel like God was telling me that there are some things that the human mind can't understand. Bryan's sermon today was titled "God is Just" (On a side really should check out this and other sermons in "The God Series." they have ALL been incredible!)

Anyways...while he was talking...I was thinking about how even God's justice is hard for us to fathom! I mean when a young person dies, we're like "What the?!?! HOW is THAT just?!?!" But at the same time, we who are sinners are offered eternal life through the sinless one's death on a cross...Wait wait THAT is injustice!

So...I'm ok with not understanding everything fully.

I know without a doubt that God is immeasurably greater than I can understand. That's all I need to know. =)

Enough about that...Umm....what else? Been kinda busy lately. Really thinking about the importance of family and what a blessing they are. I'm SOOO excited to go home and see everyone! Oh how I love Christmas. =)

Well...I think I'm gonna try to finish up my reading for the week so that my Monday-off can actually BE a Monday off. =)

Love and miss you all!


  1. Great post, Brit!
    I agree...why do we place such emphasis on things that are opinions? Seems like such a waste of time, huh! There are poeple dying and going to hell...shouldn't we be doing something about THAT? :)
    We cannot wait to see you! It will be so FUN to have you home! I can randomly ask Mikayla how many days until you come home and she always knows! :)
    Have a great week.
    Love you. Proud of you,

  2. I second all of this...Sometimes we have to remind ourselves what REALLY is important. Peoples lives are at stake....and we are worried about the little details of the "ism" that we believe in....
    Thank you for finally blogging. I always look forward to reading these. They are so enlightening.
    Sure do love you and am very anxious to see you....I'm putting a box together for you, I always love doing that. It's fun to try to find things that I know I would like to pull out of a "care box". Your family misses you very much. But at the same time, we are so glad that you are there. This is definitely "for such a time as this." We are very proud of you! Keep it up....see you in 41 days! :)
    Love you little girl..
    Yur Momma
