Thursday, August 19, 2010

Back on the homefront... (This goes out to Cheryl)

Alright folks, the long awaited "I'm back home" post is finally here. (Basically because I didn't want Daniella to beat me up...)

I've been home for about 2 months now. It's been an interesting transition. I felt like I was pretty mentally prepared for what it would be like to be back home....I now feel like that was not exactly the case. =) It's been somewhat of a rollercoaster...and even now, I still find myself thinking about St. Louis fairly often. least 14 times a day. =)

Let me just say this though: God has continued to be SO faithful to me! (Well...DUH! Of course He has!)
I've been just blown away....I knew that being away for a year had changed me but being back in my old environment has proven that to be even more true than I realized...He has really changed the very core of who I am. How I relate to people, what I value, and how I use my time has changed drastically.

It's been interesting to see how that has affected my relationships here. For the most part, I would say that people around me have been really accepting to the changes that have taken place....kind of giving me a little bit of time to adjust and allowing me to be who I am without having expectations or preconceived ideas.

At first it was a bit rough trying to figure out where I fit in exactly. And there was definitely a fear in me of going back to what I was before...but like I said before, I've come to realize that God has truly changed my from the inside out.

It's been amazing to see some of the prophecies that I got in St. Louis come true since I've been back....I WAS in fact overwhelmed by what I felt like God wanted me to do. Feeling inadequate and unsure about where to start but He has really paved the way.

I met with Warren and we brainstormed and came up with some pretty great ideas. I've had the privilege of working on starting some new things here at the River Center and it's been really exciting to see God bless all of it! I can honestly say that before I left for FYT I did not LOVE serving the church- but God has really changed my perspective. I LOVE being a part of what God is doing.

This morning my friend Chris Nordstrand left for FYT in St. Louis. It was kind of weird saying goodbye to him last night...I told him that I was more sad about the fact that he was getting to see my friends than I was about the fact that he was actually leaving. =) That MAY or may not be true.... Seriously though, I'm excited that he'll be connecting with such amazing people and I have no doubt that God is going to completely transform his life! So exciting!

OH! AND!!!!!!!!!!!! Renee is coming to visit me in September and I can't even handle how excited I am about it and we're going to go to the beach and we're gonna go see fun things and meet fun people and have fun and oh my word I can't wait. (Yes, NANCY, that was ONE sentence)
Alright- I think that's all for now. =)
I am going to make a serious effort to update this more often. FOR REAL.

I'm feeling slightly scatterbrained if I jumped around a bit. =)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The moment of in-between-ness....

Such bitter sweet feelings. I left St. Louis at 2pm. I arrive in Portland at 7pm.

Saying goodbye has been hard...harder that I expected. Partly because it seems like I've been slowly saying goodbye for the last 2 weeks.

Man oh man...I think I'm gonna have to take another time to re-cap on this year. There are too many words.

Here's where I'm at right now....
-I'm excited to see family and Oregon friends.
-I'm going to intensely miss my St. Louis friends.

It's so amazing how God knows what He's doing. In August when I was getting ready to move here, I was clinging to God for dear life because the future was uncertain and I was scared. Now, as I leave, something inside of me has changed. I know that God holds my future. I don't have it all planned out...but I know that He will guide my feet as I go...wherever it is that I'll be going. Don't get me wrong, there IS sadness- I am definitely sad. =P But, not afraid. I sit here in between my home and my other home, here are a few of the things that I'm going to miss... (in no particular order)

Things I miss about Lebanon:
1) The River Center
2) The silence of the country
3) Being able to get ANYWHERE in town in less than 15 minutes
4) Mountains
5) Old friends
6) Sum Yan
7) The "Turkey Way" and many other back roads
8) Knowing how to get pretty much anywhere.
9) Wal-mart Supercenter
10) Country Fair Produce
11) Strawberries
12) Old memories
13) Being close to the ocean

Things I miss about St. Louis:

1) The many noises of the city
2) 6 lane freeways
3) QT (It's 7-11 on steroids!)
4) New memories
5) Jubilee
6) Finding new places (which is NOT the same as getting lost)
7) Having COOL places to "cruise"
8) Target supercenter WITH a parking garage!
9) New friends
10) Panda Pavilion
11) Lunch on the roof
12) The best drinking water I've ever experienced
13) Tornados

Things I miss about Renee:
1) Our crazy kitchen cleanups after dinner every night
2) Discussions through the bathroom door
3) You-know-what on the way up the stairs (almost) every night
4) Facebook stalking (even though my skills in this far exceed yours haha)
5) Separate couches
6) TRUE friends (you know...)
7)The way you wander aimlessly, half-asleep around the kitchen in the mornings
8) Bob the builder
9) Feeling accomplished if we stay awake for an entire movie
10) Waiting for Farkle chips
11) Foreign *******
12) The "I-just-took-a-bite" noise
13) Fake fights
14) Watching Hulu together
15) You stealing my shoes
16) Your car door getting stuck
17) "I feel like..."
18) Maternity shirts (HA!)
19) Target trips

Got has blessed me beyond measure.
I can't wait to see what He does next!

Monday, April 19, 2010

God speaks in such random ways & I love it

FIRST of all- small side note: The other day, I was listening to this John Mayer song, "Heartbreak Warfare" and...all of the sudden I found myself sobbing. Not because of anything the song specifically said, but because God totally revealed something intense to me through that song. I was sobbing and laughing. Because, God truly does have a sense of humor. I'd encourage you to try asking God to speak to you through everyday ordinary things. It's kinda amazing how He answers that prayer. =)

Ok- It's just recently hit me how LITTLE time I have left here! More than once now I've had Ben's "Finish Strong!" or "How to Remain Spiritual all Summer Long" sermon floating around in my head. (I wish I could remember it

One thing I feel really strongly about is not just "fading out." I don't want this last month-ish to be dull and lifeless. Instead I want to GROW and grab hold of everything I can while I'm here.

This morning as I was getting ready- I was thinkin about how it would be SO much easier to just kinda start focusing on home and getting things in order there, starting to distance myself from people and things here.

Then I was thinking about this new game I learned the other night- Blockus. (welcome to the randomness that is my brain)

A few nights ago, I played for the first time with Seth and Shannon and totally lost. But yesterday when I played with Shannon, I won both times. The only difference was, when I played for the first time I was focusing on which pieces were mine, looking at the occupied spaces and seeing how I could connect the pieces I had with those other pieces. And, didn't work all that well. Because towards the end of the game, I was left with these huge pieces that wouldn't fit anywhere because the board was filling up.

When I played with Shannon, I tried a new strategy- as the game got going, I starting to look at the empty spaces and tried to fit my pieces in those spots. It OBVIOUSLY worked better since I won both times. (Shannon, sorry I had to bring this 

ANYWAYS, this is a ridiculous analogy. BUT, God really did speak to be through it. Reminding me that my time here is coming to an end. But I still have specific things to do and to learn. And INSTEAD of focusing on all the things I've already done, and being sad about this season coming to and end, I need to focus on filling in these last few gaps with the perfectly shaped pieces that God has given me.

Here's the thing- I AM excited to go home. Somewhere deep inside of me, I AM excited. =) HOWEVER, this year has been by far the biggest growth year that I've had in my life. I truly am a different person. And Dill, Jo, the leaders and members of Jubilee, and all of my new friends and family have played such a HUGE role in this unique and treasured time in my life that I will always think of St. Louis and Jubilee as my second home and leaving them is really sad to my ridiculously-sentimental self. =)

That being said, I DO know without a doubt that God is preparing the way for me in Lebanon. Each time I talk to someone back home I see just how God's hand really is in my decision to go back and I'm excited to transition back into things there.

In the meantime- I'm not going to rush my time here. Still trying to find the balance of responsibly having things in order for when i get back, but as Ray Lamontagne would say, "being here now"

Alrighty...that's all for now.
Peace out cub scout.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This should be interesting...

I've got a bazillion thoughts twirling around in my head!

Thing #1)
I would like to say this...

....With Jesus. =)
Like, love love. Legit love.

God has been reminding me lately of things that He promised me long ago. Things that I'd been praying for...and I guess kinda stopped praying for....and I'm just now seeing how God had his hand in that situation when I didn't even realize it.

This whole realization was sparked by me remembering that I had asked God to help me change a specific thing about myself while I was away in St. Louis this year. And just the other day, I remembered that I USED to act a certain way, and now, that thought never even crosses my mind.

Today in the car (with Dill and Jo) we were talking about how we used to be when we first started year team. Remembering things that we used to argue about or habits we had. And in that moment, (although, I'm pretty sure the boys were unaware of this lol) I was overwhelmed with joy because God was showing me even MORE things in my life that have changed.

And I started to realize something, God is sending me home BECAUSE I'm a new person. So...there's no need to worry about whether or not I'll "fit in" the way that I used to. God has prepared the way. And God planned this from the beginning. That I would come to St. Louis, re-commit my life to Him, and fall in love with Him all over again.

Thing #2:
I am called to Lebanon, OR.
It makes me laugh to say that. I guess because you typically hear people say things like, "God has called me to Africa" or "God has called me to minister to the poor in China" But, no.
God has called ME to Lebanon. Jealous? =) It's ok, you can be jealous. =)
I just had this discovery the other day. Thought I'd share it with all of ya's.

Thing #3:
GOD is faithful. HAVE I mentioned this in any post before? I feel like a broken record.
BUT here's the thing, at the beginning of year team, I stinkin had no confidence in the gifts God has given me. I mean, honestly, I had none. (Just ask the boys) And God has been So patient with me. The past few weeks I've really been trying to understand this certain gift that I know God has given me and I've been asking God to speak to me clearly, and then SHOW ME that it's Him speaking so that I can learn how to discern His voice from my own thoughts. first I was like, "ok, maybe this is ridiculous to ask God to 'prove Himself' to me" BUT...I did it anyways, because I figured that the worst he could do was say no. =)
ANYWAYS, on Sunday...Dude....on SUNDAY. Well...let's just put it this way, God answers prayer. I was overwhelmed. And in love. And....hence the video at the beginning of those post. lol

Ok wow it's getting late.
I'm gonna go to bed now.

Oregon peeps- 2 months! =)
Missouri peeps- 2 months! =(

Ha. =P

Monday, March 22, 2010

Youth group, Marriage, Surprises, & Obedience.

Looking back- the last couple of weeks have been really interesting.
I feel like life has been going in slow motion. The days seem SO long! And for that, I am SO thankful! I have been praying that God would help me make the most of every day that I have left here. And again, He's been so faithful to do that.


Youth group in Union continues to be one of the highlights of my week. God has given me such a love for those kids! I always look forward to seeing what He's gonna do that week and who He's going to speak to. It's such a blessing to see God working in these kids' lives in such a powerful way, even though they're only in Jr. High and High School. God is not limited by age. =)

Our reading has been so challenging and exciting to me lately! God has been working on redefining my definition of marriage. Helping me better understand it's purpose, what it's meant to portray, how the world has messed this up SO badly, and how to go about sticking up for that as a single person. He's been teaching me different ways that I can support others marriages. AND Revealing to me how some of the desires in my heart don't quite line up with what He wants for me. Helping me understand what the important things are and reminding me that as I'm on this journey called life, my relationship with God will always continue to be #1. Even after I get married, the relationship with my husband will be second. just kinda makes sense to continue to grow closer to God, trusting that He will place me in a relationship in the right time SO THAT I can better accomplish the things He has for me.

OH! This is fun news! =) SO, the boys and I have had a little bit of a difference of opinion on the importance of "quality team time" (Anyone who knows me can probably guess which side of the argument I was on) ANYWAYS, it's kinda been this on-going thing in the back of my mind that's bothered me all year. I've wanted to go spend time together at the arch, and some people didn't want to take time for that. Well, God has been doing some really amazing things among the 3 of us lately. Helping us learn to communicate and understand where the other is coming from. SO, last week someone had the idea to take another Costco trip. And, amazingly, everyone agreed to Saturday afternoon. =) So, we finished up babysitting on Saturday, and headed to Costco. We had samples, ate a polish dog (I will NEVER again spend an afternoon with them after they eat polish dogs....Oh man...), bought some fun things...THEN Josiah said he had to take some mail to some guy....but he didn't really know where he lived. All he knew is that we needed to follow the signs to get to the arch, then find Washington Street. So, we get to Washington street...
and Josiah says, "I think you have to turn right."
And I'm like, "JO! If we turn right, the only thing that's down there is the river, and the arch. There are no apartments."
Jo- "I'm pretty sure it's right. Dillon, just go right."
Me- "Jo! you already got us lost twice today! Trust me, it's NOT right!"
Jo- "Trust my directional skills!"
Me- "You dont have any Direc-----------wait a second!!!"


They surprised me with a trip to the arch. It was really sweet. And even though Jo didn't get to go to the top, we still had fun walking around, learning about the Oregon trail, taking pictures. I really don't think they understand how much things like that mean to me. But, that's alright. =) I'm gonna miss these guys. I wish they could be in my life forever...BUT I guess that's what heaven's for. Well, that and praising Jesus. Perhaps in the opposite order that I said it. =)

Hmm...what else...God is teaching me what it means to be joyfully obedient. Learning that there IS joy in obeying Him and doing what He wants me to do instead of what I want to do. And not just this little tiny amount of joy, but fullness of joy.

"FULLNESS of Joy? Umm, yes, I think I'll have that. Thank you."

I've got some reading to catch up on today, so I think I'll go ahead and do that.

Missouri peeps- Thanks for reading my blog. I love ya. =)
Oregon peeps- I miss and love you! Be home soon!
Any-other-state peeps- I don't even know you. =P

Friday, March 12, 2010

The latest...

I've been putting this off for so long...and I'm not really sure why. =/

Hmm...where to start...

Well, probably the biggest news as of right now is this:
I am moving back to Oregon after year team. For those of you who are saying, "yeah, duh. What was the other option?" Feel free to skip down a few paragraphs...
But for those of you who understand the hugemassiveness (Yes, I made up this word) of this statement, read on. =)

(I'll try to keep this short...) So, right before Mobilise, I was really struggling with this decision. I had quite a few concerns about moving back home and I've absolutely fallen in love with this city and the people here. Our training week here in St. Louis was the Mon-Fri before Mobilise, and I just KNEW that God was going to make the decision clear to me. I responded to an altar call, and in that moment, I heard God speak to me more clearly than I ever have.

In short, He reminded me of what I was, what I am now, and gave me a glimpse of what I will be. Reminding me of how far I've come, of the gifts he's placed in me, and stirring a new desire in me to go shake things up back home. I felt a peace like never before (regarding this decision) and I knew that God had his hand in me going back to Oregon.

I AM excited to go home. But, I've got to be honest, every day I pray that God gives me the strength to get through these last few days here with joy. Because, although there is no better place on earth than living in God's will, I DO know that I'm going to miss everyone here terribly and I MIGHT have a tendency to spend these last 2 months being sad that I'm leaving....which would just be lame. =)

So...that's exciting news for some...not so exciting for others. Truth is, I hear almost daily that I should "just stay here" and I truly truly would love to. But, I know that God has such great things in store for me, and the River Center, and all of Oregon. Heck, He's got great plans for the Northwest. =)

In other news:
These past few weeks have been so great. My love for these boys (Jo & Dill) grows every's retarded! At the beginning of the year, I wanted to punch them both almost daily! =) We really have grown SO much as a team, it's amazing. It's been great to have 2 guys in my life that I know I'm safe around. Like 2 big brothers I always wanted. (Except that they're both younger than me....I forget that sometimes though)

Josiah has grown so much in his ability to lead worship! It has seriously been a dramatic change. He went from this half-way decent guitar player who sang random songs all the time, to a man who is truly after God's heart, worshiping more than anyone I know, becoming more and more skilled in his guitar playing, and learning to truly LEAD people into worship! It's been so amazing to see God really work on his heart, teaching him how to put his wisdom and knowledge into words that are helpful to other people, and it's ALSO been amazing to see his love for Dillon grow. (this one was sometimes a challenge, let me tell ya!) Ha! So proud of him!

Dillon has seriously transformed/morphed/changed/shifted (whichever of these words is more dramatic) into a leader in the last few months. He's always had such a huge heart for lost people (Evangelism is CLEARLY one of his gifts!) and it's been intense to see him learn to balance his heart for other people with the practical day to day life. He's gone from participating in a prayer meeting, to initiating nights of prayer, and directing things. His passion is so intense that it's really really difficult not to be affected by it. Lol. He's probably one of the best question-askers ever. He can strike up a conversation with anyone and immediately get their attention. He always has these somewhat odd, but thought provoking questions. He hears from God. And it changes his life daily. What a concept...

Here's a great example: Right now, Dillon is sitting across the room from me and he said,

"Have you ever thought what it would be like if the whole world fell down in the Spirit all at once? And Then they all get up and shout 'YEAH JESUS!' all at the same time?"

"Umm, no, Dillon. Can't say that I have." =P

It does make me a little sad knowing that we only have 2 months left together. And I really do hope that we keep in touch. (at least a little bit!) But, I know God has such amazing things planned for these guys! We joke about the three of us meeting up again some day to plant a crazy awesome church. =)

So, about ME. God has really been teaching me about being confident in my gifts. (I think this is a lesson I've been learning slowly but surely all year long...) But, I tend to get quiet or not speak out when I'm around people that are intimidating to me. (Usually people that are older than me) and God has really been challenging that. Testing me obedience....*gulp* It's been an amazing and scary process. But obeying God is such a freeing thing! (Try to make THAT make sense in your mind!)

A few days ago I was really thinking about some of the things I want to get involved in when I get back to the River Center and even getting a little frustrated because I don't know how I can transfer over the things I'm doing here, and be effective in the same way back home. And one of the ladies in the church was talking to me about the importance of realizing that the specific things that I do at Jubilee aren't necessarily things that God will have me do in the River Center. The main thing is that God has taught me about my leadership skills, what my strengths and weaknesses are, and it's yet to be determined how those things will play out once I get back home. But just seeing that I AM capable of so much more than I knew, is such a huge thing to learn.

So, the conclusion is this: I'm excited to move home, not excited to leave here. This will always be my second home. It just kinda sucks that is has to be SO far away. =) Thank God for planes...

Well...we have some things to get done this morning before we head off to Wentzville for the weekend.

Love and miss you all. =)

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

In your presence there is fullness of JOY

Ok, so I've had this on my mind since Sunday. I've been meaning to blog about it. But...just haven't gotten around to it. And I figure that today is a good day for it considering the fact that I'm anything but joyful today. (just ask the boys...)

Anyways, I got the privilege of singing on the worship team again this Sunday. MAN do I love doing that! I guess I didn't realize how much I missed it. There's just something about serving God with the gifts He's given you that brings this sense of joy that can't be explained.

Which leads me to the point of this post. =) I kinda wonder if anyone noticed me smiling like a geek, to the point of giggling during the worship portion of each service. For some reason, I was so overwhelmed with the fact that the GOD of the universe loves me and allows me to worship Him.

We're in the middle of our Third book this year "Desiring God" by John Piper. It's deeeeeep stuff. =/ My head feels like it's gonna pop when I get done reading the chapter and it's all I can do to contain my thoughts into a one page report. Then we get to our discussion group and I can't seem to organize my thoughts enough to state my opinion on the book. It really is quite the site. =)

ANYWAYS, Last weeks chapter was on worship. And I really feel like that's what brought about this giggle-fest on stage. We mainly just talked about how the fact that GOD loves us and chose us should drive us to worship Him.
But worship is SO MUCH MORE than good harmonies and hands in the air. It's a lifestyle. It's the realization of the immense glory of God that drives us to praise him. John Piper says- "Strong affections for God rooted in truth are the bone and marrow of biblical worship"

One section of the book that totally blew my mind talked about worship as an end in itself. I guess I've never really thought about this before. =/ But, we don't worship as a means to something else. Worship is an end in itself. Nothing beyond worship can be sought as a higher goal.
"Worship is a way of reflecting back to God the Radiance of His worth. This cannot be done by mere acts of duty. It can only be done when spontaneous affections arise in the heart. And these affections for God are an end in themselves. They are the essence of eternal worship."

Saint Augustine said this, the highest good is "That which will leave us nothing further to seek in order to be happy, if only we make all our actions refer to it, and seek it not for the sake of something else, but for its own sake."

Piper goes on to talk about us being far too easily pleased. He says "We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered to us, like and ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in the slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea."


So...the problem with our worship isn't that we are asking for too much...but that we aren't asking for enough! We've gotten used to such pathetic, short-lived pleasures that our capacity for joy has shriveled. And so our worship has shriveled.

My favorite section of the chapter is the last one. (And NO it's not because I was sick of reading...and these chapters are freakin long...I really DID like the last one best!)

ANYWAYS, Piper explains that as humans, we have capacities for joy that we can't even imagine. They were MADE for the enjoyment of God. And GOD has the power to wake them up no matter how long they've been hibernating. =)

The key: "Pray for His quickening power, open up your eyes to His glory. It's everywhere."

Psalm 19:1 says "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork."


So....jeez louise....I have no reason to be cranky today. Thank you John Piper (and Jesus) for reminding me of this. =)

In other news: The xxxposed series at Jubilee has been AMAZING! Seriously, amazing. I would encourage any and everyone to listen to it online. You can find them HERE Or on iTunes-Jubilee church's podcasts.

Umm....other than that, been busy with reading and random year team tasks. AND for some reason, there seems to be an abundance of "Girl's night" activities happening lately. And I kinda like it. =) Between face masks, eyebrow destruction, and discussing putting sparkle paints on the roads to improve visibility of lines when there are puddles, there has DEFINITELY been some bonding moments. =)

I leave you with this thought: God's good, all the time. Enough said.

Love and miss you guys!

I am SOOOOOOOO excited for the Equipped for Mission conference at the end of this month! My mom and sister are coming to visit...and it's going to be a blast! =)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

You are still God, I have a reason to sing...

Whew! Where to start?! =)

Christmas break: (I believe that's where i left off)
It was goooood to be home. Amazing to spend time with family and friends. It was awesome to see how God is changing our church. Change...although it SEEMS actually exciting. Because I trust that our leaders are hearing from God on the directions we're headed, any "obstacle" or "frustration" is so minor. I know that ultimately God will be glorified, His Will will prevail.

While I was home, there were multiple times when I was like "WHY am I here right now???" and I was really asking God to show me what it was that I was supposed to learn while I was home and how I could grow. And I was completely shocked at what it was. Although, I'm not quite ready to reveal it yet. =)

So...I get back from Christmas on Monday & the transition back into things was a little difficult. We had training week starting Tuesday. And it was AWESOME. We had a different speaker every session and we learned SO much. We talked about Self leadership, the future of New frontiers, Responsibility, Prophecy, Leaders as Servants, & Biblical Womanhood. Talk about Brain overload. =) It was awesome though to be with all of the other year-teamers again. We prayed a lot about our futures and what God would have us do this coming year when we're finished on FYT.

Training week kinda blended into Mobilise starting on Friday. We helped with set up and getting things organized. And I look up, only to see, WASHINGTON FRIENDS walking through the door. =) For some reason, it makes my heart warm to see people from back home. (Even if they're people I hardly know from Washington) haha... THEN later that evening, Warren & Kim, Brent & Nancy, and Jonah & Becky showed up. =) It was SOOOO good to see them. =) Not gonna lie, I was kinda attached to their hips while they were here. I was just SOOOO pumped for them to get to see the environment that I've been in for the last 4 months and to start to catch the vision of what God is doing all over the United States through New Frontiers.

It's such an exciting thing to be a part of. God really is moving and to be in the middle of that movement is so exciting. I just want to like....go back to Oregon....and shout to everyone I know about the amazing things God is doing. =)

Anyways...back to Mobilise. Dude....God showed up. Not that I was like worried that He wouldn' was still incredible. I had specifically been asking Him all week to just reveal to me His plan for this next year. And dude...did He ever! Not only did He reveal it, He gave me so much peace. (again, more about this to come at a later date)

One of the nights...I was sitting in my seat, and I just started laughing...because God reminded me of a promise that he gave me when I was like....13ish? Anyways...I was laughing because that promise coming true has been such a process that I didn't even realize it was happening...and now it's such a part of my life that I'd forgotten what it was like to NOT have that be a part of me! Point being: God is so faithful. =)

Overall, the entire weekend was just plain awesome. Lives were changed. And I'm like, spiritually high. =) I SO wish that ALL of my Oregon friends could have been there! We had a ton of fun hang out time but more importantly they got to see first hand what it's like to be a part of this amazing family of churches.

Warren got to stay a few extra days to meet with other New Frontiers leaders. So...I got to see him here in the office. That was pretty cool. =)

SO excited for Equipped for mission in February!!! Pretty sure we need to fill an entire plane with Northwest people for this conference. =) It's gonna be awesome.

So...honestly, I have alot more that I could probably say...however, I want to talk to the leaders here a bit more before I reveal everything that God spoke to me this weekend. =)

I leave you with this: God is faithful.

If you've been reading my blog consistently, I'm sure that you've seen that this is something that I mention quite often. But that's because it's something that I'm constantly blown away by! When I least expect it, God just knocks my socks off! =)

I'm in love... =P
(With God..)

Anyways! I've got a massive list of things to do today, so I'm gonna go ahead and get on that. =)

Love and miss you guys back on the homefront!


Tuesday, January 5, 2010

So this is the new year...

Have you ever woken up and just asked yourself why?

"Why do I have to get out of bed so early?"

"Why did I waste so much time on facebook last night?!"

These two are pretty typical for most people, but have you ever thought a little deeper than that?

For me, this was one of those deeper mornings. "Why is my life the way it is? Was there one specific decision I made that caused it to be like this? Or is it just how my life was destined to be?"

Now don't you guys worry, I'm not regreting any life decisions that I have made and I'm not in any way saying that I'm not happy with the life I'm living. I have just had one of those step back and look at your life from a different standpoint kind of experiences that make you wonder what things would be like if you would have done one thing instead of the other.

I guess this kind of self evaluation should come around about the time of the New Year, I mean just take a little inventory of who you are now compared to who you were the last time you counted down the seconds until a new year. Isn't it funny though how we expect so much to change on days like new years and birthdays, when in reality, those are usually the days that the least amount of change happens? Change seems like one of those things that when you expect it, it never comes but when you don't, it comes out of no where and throws you a curveball. But if you think about it, that is really just what life is about. Changes. And even though changes are sometimes the hardest things to accept...we are better people because of them.

This is one of the biggest lessons that I have learned this semester, that change is necessary.

I have also realized this: in a small town like Lebanon (no offense to those of you who still live there) you don't have to grow. If you wanted to, you could stay in the same house with the same friends and family surrounding you and just get your degree at LBCC and not experience much change at all if you don't want to. In small towns you have to DECIDE to grow. It is up to you to seek out big changes. However, that isn't the case when you move out of your comfort zone and into a city like Portland were there are practially limitless possibilities. You get to chose who you will be rather than most of the population already knowing you.

So here it is....2010. Bring on the changes.


Now Listening To: Dreamer by Chris Brown