Monday, March 22, 2010

Youth group, Marriage, Surprises, & Obedience.

Looking back- the last couple of weeks have been really interesting.
I feel like life has been going in slow motion. The days seem SO long! And for that, I am SO thankful! I have been praying that God would help me make the most of every day that I have left here. And again, He's been so faithful to do that.


Youth group in Union continues to be one of the highlights of my week. God has given me such a love for those kids! I always look forward to seeing what He's gonna do that week and who He's going to speak to. It's such a blessing to see God working in these kids' lives in such a powerful way, even though they're only in Jr. High and High School. God is not limited by age. =)

Our reading has been so challenging and exciting to me lately! God has been working on redefining my definition of marriage. Helping me better understand it's purpose, what it's meant to portray, how the world has messed this up SO badly, and how to go about sticking up for that as a single person. He's been teaching me different ways that I can support others marriages. AND Revealing to me how some of the desires in my heart don't quite line up with what He wants for me. Helping me understand what the important things are and reminding me that as I'm on this journey called life, my relationship with God will always continue to be #1. Even after I get married, the relationship with my husband will be second. just kinda makes sense to continue to grow closer to God, trusting that He will place me in a relationship in the right time SO THAT I can better accomplish the things He has for me.

OH! This is fun news! =) SO, the boys and I have had a little bit of a difference of opinion on the importance of "quality team time" (Anyone who knows me can probably guess which side of the argument I was on) ANYWAYS, it's kinda been this on-going thing in the back of my mind that's bothered me all year. I've wanted to go spend time together at the arch, and some people didn't want to take time for that. Well, God has been doing some really amazing things among the 3 of us lately. Helping us learn to communicate and understand where the other is coming from. SO, last week someone had the idea to take another Costco trip. And, amazingly, everyone agreed to Saturday afternoon. =) So, we finished up babysitting on Saturday, and headed to Costco. We had samples, ate a polish dog (I will NEVER again spend an afternoon with them after they eat polish dogs....Oh man...), bought some fun things...THEN Josiah said he had to take some mail to some guy....but he didn't really know where he lived. All he knew is that we needed to follow the signs to get to the arch, then find Washington Street. So, we get to Washington street...
and Josiah says, "I think you have to turn right."
And I'm like, "JO! If we turn right, the only thing that's down there is the river, and the arch. There are no apartments."
Jo- "I'm pretty sure it's right. Dillon, just go right."
Me- "Jo! you already got us lost twice today! Trust me, it's NOT right!"
Jo- "Trust my directional skills!"
Me- "You dont have any Direc-----------wait a second!!!"


They surprised me with a trip to the arch. It was really sweet. And even though Jo didn't get to go to the top, we still had fun walking around, learning about the Oregon trail, taking pictures. I really don't think they understand how much things like that mean to me. But, that's alright. =) I'm gonna miss these guys. I wish they could be in my life forever...BUT I guess that's what heaven's for. Well, that and praising Jesus. Perhaps in the opposite order that I said it. =)

Hmm...what else...God is teaching me what it means to be joyfully obedient. Learning that there IS joy in obeying Him and doing what He wants me to do instead of what I want to do. And not just this little tiny amount of joy, but fullness of joy.

"FULLNESS of Joy? Umm, yes, I think I'll have that. Thank you."

I've got some reading to catch up on today, so I think I'll go ahead and do that.

Missouri peeps- Thanks for reading my blog. I love ya. =)
Oregon peeps- I miss and love you! Be home soon!
Any-other-state peeps- I don't even know you. =P

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