Here I go....blogging. Because I know I should. And because I have something to say. =) Even though, not gonna lie, I wouldn't mind going to bed right now. =)
Ok....So....It's been an o.k. week so far. I feel like I've been really busy. But looking back on the week I'm not sure what exactly I've accomplished? Hmm....
Renee and I had a little Party McHarty at our house last night. It was fun. =) Amie and Melissa cut hair, and I painted a few nails and we ended the night watching "Monsters vs. Aliens" LOVE that movie. =)
Earlier this week Bryan had encouraged us to take initiative and plan different outings and things we can do to either serve the community, or evangelize, or just help out at the church building. So today we planned on going treasure hunting. For those of you who don't know what that is, let me explain. (Cuz...I'd never heard of it until I got here)
I guess that there are different ways to do it...but what we did was we had a time of prayer and worship and you ask God to tell you where He wants you to do...or who He wants you to meet...and you make a "treasure map" with whatever information God gives you and then you go out....and find these people that are on your "treasure map" and tell them kinda what you're doing and that God pointed you to them...and you move your lips, letting God say the words, Jesus saves, party in heaven. =)
For example...Today when we were praying, all I could think about was yellow. Why yellow? I have no idea. But I didn't say anything about it and then Dillon goes...."I keep getting this picture of something yellow. Is that weird?" And I was like...." Me too" So we wrote down yellow =) Anyways, there were multiple things that we wrote down. But as we were praying, Josiah had a word for me about God wanting me to grow in the gift of discernment and that He has made me sensitive to people and what they're feeling. And He wants to reveal things to me if I trust Him. And What was funny about that was that I hadn't told anyone but that's something I've been praying about a lot lately!
I know that God has given me this gift. But I used to think things like: "UGH! ok...I dont' even KNOW that person, I heard something about them and now I'm sitting here crying about it. WHAT is my problem???" And lately God has been showing me that this thing that I've thought of as "weird" or "a problem" is actually something that HE has given me and I need to not only embrace it, but seek to go even deeper in it.
I was looking through old notes and things a couple weeks ago and I was reminded of a time in my life when I literally just didn't care about ANYONE but myself. And I went to Generation Unleashed one year and asked God to give me compassion for people I knew, and even strangers. And I remember sobbing at the altar...and the speaker saying that the desire that God has placed upon your heart is going to become reality.
I had forgotten about that moment until recently and when I remembered it I was like "WHAT have I been doing? THIS is the very thing I asked for...and not only have I taken it for granted, sometimes I despise it!"
((((((((SIDE NOTE: I feel like sometimes I'm exposing like every ounce of my guts when I type on here and maybe I need to be a little more private...but I have already heard a few people say that they've been encouraged by what God is doing in my life and if I'm staying up late, going cross-eyed as I type, and losing feeling in my fingers from typing so fast just for ONE person to go deeper in their relationship with God, it's worth it!)))))))
Ok....back to my Josiah had that word for me, I was very encouraged and excited...we continued to pray....and God continued to speak. We left and went to places that we felt God was telling us to go. We all talked to different people. And that ALONE was a challenge for me! To walk up to a complete stranger BY MYSELF and strike up a conversation...ok, I'm not Dillon....that doesn't just come natural to me. =) But it was GOOD for me. =) Overall, it was a great experience. I left encouraged and happy because by the end of the time, I had DONE what God wanted me to do.
Back to what Josiah was talking about earlier: The majority of the time, I'll feel like God is speaking something to me, and then I'll be like "wait wait wait...did I just make that up?" Or "Wait.....does this REALLY make sense" And today, I'd be thinking something and then doubting myself, having this battle inside my head and instantly Dillon was like "Brit....I feel like God is telling you something, what is it?" ha. This happened EVERY time. Finally, I caught on and just told them right away what God was speaking. =)
I am learning to appreciate the fact that God made me who I am. A sensitive woman. And, *sigh*, it's a GIFT, not a problem.
At the end of the day...I am humbled.
That the Creator of the Universe speaks.
To ME.
And to you. =)
Ask Him.
He'll do it.
And when he does, don't doubt it.
Doubting truly is a waste of time. =)
Just listen to what He has to say and be obedient.
Ready. Set. Go!!!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Weekend fun-ness
Hmm...haven't blogged on here in awhile. (Sorry mom!)
Today was a wonderful day! In fact, this entire weekend has been wonderful.
Friday night was a blast. Went to the Chocolate Bar for Chelsea's birthday. Had a great time. =) HILARIOUS. =)
On Saturday, I got up early and went to the church building to help distribute Angel Food, then cleaned for an hour, then Renee, Dillon, and I went grocery shopping and came back to the house. Renee and I made breakfast (at noon) for everyone. =) Then we chilled all afternoon. Baked some fun things....ate dinner as a family....and went to a "21st birthday extravaganza" (3 people turned 21 in one week) The party was really fun....I'll post pictures soon. =)
Then up early and went to church. The services were both really good! I love Bryan's preaching. I, of course, had to shed a few tears when we sang a couples songs that remind me of home. *sigh* ANYWAYS, there were two girls that were coming to Jubilee for the first time. Melissa and Chelsea. After church, a huge group of us went out to lunch at Kabob International. (Mediterranean food. YUM!) And BOTH of the girls came with us!
I was totally shocked.....they had both come to the service BY themselves, not knowing a single person. (They didn't know each other) And fit in SO amazingly! After lunch, Renee, Amie, Ali, Melissa and I went shopping at Target....for HOURS! =) It was a blast. =) I got to hear Ali and Melissa speak Mandarin...and it literally brought tears to my eyes....apparently I miss China more than I thought I did....=) Hmmmmm......
So now Renee and I are back home.....sitting on the couches.....reading.....(Well....I WAS reading till I remembered that I hadn't blogged in awhile.)
Sorry that this entry isn't filled with some cool story or interesting thing I learned lately. =)
Just an update on what I've been doing. =)
I have tomorrow off....I think I'll finish laundry and paint my nails. Yup...sounds like a WONDERFUL idea. =)
I can't wait to go home to visit.......=)
Miss all ya'll!
Today was a wonderful day! In fact, this entire weekend has been wonderful.
Friday night was a blast. Went to the Chocolate Bar for Chelsea's birthday. Had a great time. =) HILARIOUS. =)
On Saturday, I got up early and went to the church building to help distribute Angel Food, then cleaned for an hour, then Renee, Dillon, and I went grocery shopping and came back to the house. Renee and I made breakfast (at noon) for everyone. =) Then we chilled all afternoon. Baked some fun things....ate dinner as a family....and went to a "21st birthday extravaganza" (3 people turned 21 in one week) The party was really fun....I'll post pictures soon. =)
Then up early and went to church. The services were both really good! I love Bryan's preaching. I, of course, had to shed a few tears when we sang a couples songs that remind me of home. *sigh* ANYWAYS, there were two girls that were coming to Jubilee for the first time. Melissa and Chelsea. After church, a huge group of us went out to lunch at Kabob International. (Mediterranean food. YUM!) And BOTH of the girls came with us!
I was totally shocked.....they had both come to the service BY themselves, not knowing a single person. (They didn't know each other) And fit in SO amazingly! After lunch, Renee, Amie, Ali, Melissa and I went shopping at Target....for HOURS! =) It was a blast. =) I got to hear Ali and Melissa speak Mandarin...and it literally brought tears to my eyes....apparently I miss China more than I thought I did....=) Hmmmmm......
So now Renee and I are back home.....sitting on the couches.....reading.....(Well....I WAS reading till I remembered that I hadn't blogged in awhile.)
Sorry that this entry isn't filled with some cool story or interesting thing I learned lately. =)
Just an update on what I've been doing. =)
I have tomorrow off....I think I'll finish laundry and paint my nails. Yup...sounds like a WONDERFUL idea. =)
I can't wait to go home to visit.......=)
Miss all ya'll!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I cry! =)
=) So....Just a few things on my mind today, I figure that I might as well blog them to:
a) Help me remember
b) possibly encourage someone.
So...first of all....I was thinking this morning....about how many amazing women I am surrounded by here in the Lou. For real. One thing that I've noticed is a common factor with all of these women is that they ARE what they ARE, without hesitation.
Let me explain.
I remember a time in my life when one person (who I happened to look up to) would always give me a hard time for crying so much...and being too emotional. Unfortunately, I remember multiple conversations with this person that involved tears and me leaving feeling like there was SOMETHING wrong with me...There HAD to be! Why did I always cry? THIS HAD TO CHANGE!
Over the years God has revealed to me that HE has made me perfect....abundance of tears and all! =)
One lady (here in the Lou) in particular has inspired me to BE what I AM and not hold back. It's OK that I get tears in my eyes sometimes when I watch a commercial, or hold a baby, or talk about certain things. And it's OK that I cry when I pray for people that I truly care deeply about. and it's OK that sometimes I see a person that I don't know and my heart hurts for them...and they're still on my mind days later.
Not only is this normal....This is what God intended. THIS is who God designed me to be.
Another thing.....Today as I was trying to get a head start on my God's Lavish Grace book I was once again fascinated by what I was reading! the first chapter was all about how works apart from love are worthless.
Repeat that a few times, I DARE you to live that way! It also was talking about how sometimes as Christians we feel obligated to do certain things. Such as...visit a friend in the hospital. Going to see someone simply because you feel "obligated" kind of defeats the purpose....and Terry Virgo refers to it as "unfruitful activity" Interesting....
Next chapter is called "What have I done to deserve this?" (talking about Grace) The entire chapter is about how God CHOOSES the weak and the poor. He CHOOSES them!
It goes on to talk about how God often uses people who aren't considered by the world to be "bright." I love this concept....because as I was reading it, I was thinking about how so often it just seems "natural" for a "smart person" to step up as a leader...but the problem with that so often "smart people" already know everything! They aren't as desperate to learn....hungry for every ounce of knowledge that God has for them. Hmm....
Oh man...ok...LAST quote for this particular blog session....It's a good one....I promise...
So yeah...all in all it was a GOOD day. Filled with reading. Oh BOY did I read a lot.
Deuteronomy. *deep breath*
Tomorrow....we start at 9.....We will be spending 9am-1pm in solitude. I'm thinkin I'll walk to a park....Just me, God, and a notebook. =)
Then the year team is meeting for lunch to go over the things that God showed us during our alone time.
I'm super excited. I have NEVER done that before! And I have NO doubt that it's going to be amazing.
K...I'm going to get some rest....Goodnight world...
a) Help me remember
b) possibly encourage someone.
So...first of all....I was thinking this morning....about how many amazing women I am surrounded by here in the Lou. For real. One thing that I've noticed is a common factor with all of these women is that they ARE what they ARE, without hesitation.
Let me explain.
I remember a time in my life when one person (who I happened to look up to) would always give me a hard time for crying so much...and being too emotional. Unfortunately, I remember multiple conversations with this person that involved tears and me leaving feeling like there was SOMETHING wrong with me...There HAD to be! Why did I always cry? THIS HAD TO CHANGE!
Over the years God has revealed to me that HE has made me perfect....abundance of tears and all! =)
One lady (here in the Lou) in particular has inspired me to BE what I AM and not hold back. It's OK that I get tears in my eyes sometimes when I watch a commercial, or hold a baby, or talk about certain things. And it's OK that I cry when I pray for people that I truly care deeply about. and it's OK that sometimes I see a person that I don't know and my heart hurts for them...and they're still on my mind days later.
Not only is this normal....This is what God intended. THIS is who God designed me to be.
Another thing.....Today as I was trying to get a head start on my God's Lavish Grace book I was once again fascinated by what I was reading! the first chapter was all about how works apart from love are worthless.
"Works that are not motivated by love are unacceptable to God, they are mere religious activity"
Repeat that a few times, I DARE you to live that way! It also was talking about how sometimes as Christians we feel obligated to do certain things. Such as...visit a friend in the hospital. Going to see someone simply because you feel "obligated" kind of defeats the purpose....and Terry Virgo refers to it as "unfruitful activity" Interesting....
Next chapter is called "What have I done to deserve this?" (talking about Grace) The entire chapter is about how God CHOOSES the weak and the poor. He CHOOSES them!
"One of God's mysteries, not so much to be analyzed as to be enjoyed and celebrated, is that the Lord loves you because He loves you!"
It goes on to talk about how God often uses people who aren't considered by the world to be "bright." I love this concept....because as I was reading it, I was thinking about how so often it just seems "natural" for a "smart person" to step up as a leader...but the problem with that so often "smart people" already know everything! They aren't as desperate to learn....hungry for every ounce of knowledge that God has for them. Hmm....
"If, on the contrary, you are one who has always despised you own insights and intellectual skills, celebrate this wonderful upside-down kingdom! you don't have so much to unlearn. Perhaps you don't have so many strong opinions that need to be jettisoned. Come in simple faith to Jesus. Let Him be your teacher."
Oh man...ok...LAST quote for this particular blog session....It's a good one....I promise...
"You may wonder what you have done to deserve God's love. How is it that God has shown you such kindness? This is the very stuff of grace, that he amazes you, contradicts every expectation, seeks you out, finds you, and lavishes love upon you. You have done nothing and can do nothing to earn His grace. The secret of his grace to you lies deep in the mystery of his foreknowledge. Simply receive it, celebrate it, delight yourself in it and live as one whom God is pleased to favour from his own overflowing of resources of kindness."
*wipes sweat from my brow (and possibly a tear...)*
*wipes sweat from my brow (and possibly a tear...)*
That's good stuff!
So yeah...all in all it was a GOOD day. Filled with reading. Oh BOY did I read a lot.
Deuteronomy. *deep breath*
Tomorrow....we start at 9.....We will be spending 9am-1pm in solitude. I'm thinkin I'll walk to a park....Just me, God, and a notebook. =)
Then the year team is meeting for lunch to go over the things that God showed us during our alone time.
I'm super excited. I have NEVER done that before! And I have NO doubt that it's going to be amazing.
K...I'm going to get some rest....Goodnight world...
Monday, September 21, 2009
"I had to ask Melvin and Doug Williams to stop by...."
As I was about to type this blog....that song came on.....I turned it up and announced to the room that I was dedicating it to you, momma. =)
I miss you today. (Hence the reason I didn't text or call you....)
I don't really have a specific thing to blog about tonight.....
Although there are two things that have been on my mind lately-
Thing #1-
Family...Is important. Even extended family. There is no reason for me to NOT be in contact with my cousins! I HATE it that they have kids that barely know me. What happened to the days where we got together every once in awhile? I mean...I realize that I'm in St. Louis now and it's not exactly practical. =) But...when I get home...this is one thing I would like to make more of an effort at doing. Even if it's just a facebook message now and then....
Thing #2-
I've noticed something about the people I've met's almost been like taking a step back in time to when everyone was so hospitable. The majority of women know how to cook, (I mean REALLY cook) And people have people over....and get together often...and it's "normal."
Another interesting thing is that people here have extra rooms in their house....occupied by other people in the church, or not occupied....but for the use of GUESTS. What a concept?
I want a guest room! (I suppose that I need my own house first...I'll get right on that when I get Anyways, I just like how much of a FAMILY the church is.
Along with this....since I've been here, the Heins have made sure to go out of their way to make me feel like family. Anyone that stays in this house is considered family. That has made this whole transition alot easier!
I'm so thankful that God placed me with the Hein's & Renee. Renee and I have regular giggle-fests about ridiculous things. :)
I guess my mood tonight is just....thankful.
We had LATITUDE tonight. (college group) and as I was sitting there I was just looking around at all the people and thinking about how I DON'T feel like a "new person" even though I've only been here a month! CLEARLY a God thing!
=) I feel like I've grown and changed so much in the short time I've been here...I almost wonder what it will be like to go home. I know for SURE that I don't want to just "slip back" into what I was before. But I'm pretty sure that things will stay different. =)
God is rocking my world....drastically. And I kinda like it!
I miss you today. (Hence the reason I didn't text or call you....)
I don't really have a specific thing to blog about tonight.....
Although there are two things that have been on my mind lately-
Thing #1-
Family...Is important. Even extended family. There is no reason for me to NOT be in contact with my cousins! I HATE it that they have kids that barely know me. What happened to the days where we got together every once in awhile? I mean...I realize that I'm in St. Louis now and it's not exactly practical. =) But...when I get home...this is one thing I would like to make more of an effort at doing. Even if it's just a facebook message now and then....
Thing #2-
I've noticed something about the people I've met's almost been like taking a step back in time to when everyone was so hospitable. The majority of women know how to cook, (I mean REALLY cook) And people have people over....and get together often...and it's "normal."
Another interesting thing is that people here have extra rooms in their house....occupied by other people in the church, or not occupied....but for the use of GUESTS. What a concept?
I want a guest room! (I suppose that I need my own house first...I'll get right on that when I get Anyways, I just like how much of a FAMILY the church is.
Along with this....since I've been here, the Heins have made sure to go out of their way to make me feel like family. Anyone that stays in this house is considered family. That has made this whole transition alot easier!
I'm so thankful that God placed me with the Hein's & Renee. Renee and I have regular giggle-fests about ridiculous things. :)
I guess my mood tonight is just....thankful.
We had LATITUDE tonight. (college group) and as I was sitting there I was just looking around at all the people and thinking about how I DON'T feel like a "new person" even though I've only been here a month! CLEARLY a God thing!
=) I feel like I've grown and changed so much in the short time I've been here...I almost wonder what it will be like to go home. I know for SURE that I don't want to just "slip back" into what I was before. But I'm pretty sure that things will stay different. =)
God is rocking my world....drastically. And I kinda like it!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Yup, Me. Righteous. Not because of anything I've done, but because GOD SAYS I AM.
What a concept?
So...this weekend in Wentzville we did our Bible doctrine talk with Rick Hein. Fascinating! When we were done talking...I was giddy, like literally GIGGLING, with excitement.
We had read Leviticus. (YIKES) and the chapter in Grudem's Bible Doctrine that we had read was on Sin. (I'm gonna really try my hardest to summarize this whole conversation and get carried away typing in my excitement. But I can't promise anything...) Po's like 10am...we are talking about how because of Adam's sin, we all have a sinful nature. And Rick says, "Ok, who in this room has sinned this morning?" We all raise our hands. And He says, "Ok, Brittney, what have you done?" I was like....."Uhhhh....? Nothing that I can think of EXACTLY....but...I probably have sinned" He asked Josiah the same question and he had the same answer. He then went on to say,'s 10am.....what on earth could you have POSSIBLY done at this hour? You just woke up! WHY do we assume that we have sinned? Is it POSSIBLE for a Christian to go an entire day without sinning?
Here's the problem: we focus so much on the fact that we are sinners, that it sometimes becomes our identity. In the same way, Miss America 2009 may think of herself as unattractive and detestable, and in thinking of herself that way, she becomes unattractive and detestable even though she MAY be one of the most beautiful women on America. A Smart person comes across as stupid if they're always thinking of themselves as stupid.
Christians need to remember we have DIED to sin. That means that we are no longer a slave to it, we are righteous. Yes, we will have sinful thoughts, we DO still have a flesh, but taking those thoughts captive and claiming that we are RIGHTEOUS is the key. Actions always follow identity. We don't believe that we're free from sin because we don't act like we're free from sin.
It IS possible for a Christian to go 24 hours without sinning. We tend to forget that we are DEAD to sin. Meaning, when we are saved, or "born again", our sinful nature dies. Literally....DIES. We are a NEW creation, something totally different. In God's Lavish Grace, Terry Virgo gives this illustration... Powerful stuff.
What a concept?
So...this weekend in Wentzville we did our Bible doctrine talk with Rick Hein. Fascinating! When we were done talking...I was giddy, like literally GIGGLING, with excitement.
We had read Leviticus. (YIKES) and the chapter in Grudem's Bible Doctrine that we had read was on Sin. (I'm gonna really try my hardest to summarize this whole conversation and get carried away typing in my excitement. But I can't promise anything...) Po's like 10am...we are talking about how because of Adam's sin, we all have a sinful nature. And Rick says, "Ok, who in this room has sinned this morning?" We all raise our hands. And He says, "Ok, Brittney, what have you done?" I was like....."Uhhhh....? Nothing that I can think of EXACTLY....but...I probably have sinned" He asked Josiah the same question and he had the same answer. He then went on to say,'s 10am.....what on earth could you have POSSIBLY done at this hour? You just woke up! WHY do we assume that we have sinned? Is it POSSIBLE for a Christian to go an entire day without sinning?
Here's the problem: we focus so much on the fact that we are sinners, that it sometimes becomes our identity. In the same way, Miss America 2009 may think of herself as unattractive and detestable, and in thinking of herself that way, she becomes unattractive and detestable even though she MAY be one of the most beautiful women on America. A Smart person comes across as stupid if they're always thinking of themselves as stupid.
Christians need to remember we have DIED to sin. That means that we are no longer a slave to it, we are righteous. Yes, we will have sinful thoughts, we DO still have a flesh, but taking those thoughts captive and claiming that we are RIGHTEOUS is the key. Actions always follow identity. We don't believe that we're free from sin because we don't act like we're free from sin.
It IS possible for a Christian to go 24 hours without sinning. We tend to forget that we are DEAD to sin. Meaning, when we are saved, or "born again", our sinful nature dies. Literally....DIES. We are a NEW creation, something totally different. In God's Lavish Grace, Terry Virgo gives this illustration... Powerful stuff.
"You might find yourself arriving from London at Barcelona airport. The captain informs you that the time is now 4pm. You look at your watch and it clearly says 3pm. You have a good watch and it's still working. Why should the pilot say it's 4pm when you watch clearly tells you that it's 3pm? How do you proceed? Do you keep him happy by pretending that you agree that it is 4pm when you really know full well that it is 3pm? Should you try hard to consider that it is 4pm? No. The reality is that in Spain it is 4pm. Spain is in a different time zone to England. They are one hour ahead, so you change your watch to match up with Spain. Similarly, you are no in Christ and are therefore dead to sin. You are living in a different location, so change your thinking! When you moving into a different time zone you change your watch. When you move from Adam into Christ you shift into a new life where you can count yourself dead to sin, because GOD SAYS YOU ARE."
So...yeah....this font is stuck on italic....kinda annoying. OH well...moving on....=)
Anyways, I was totally just overwhelmed and blessed by that conversation with Rick. I think we all were. We spent the weekend handing out free sodas, helping at different events in the community, and setting up for the church service. TWO of the ladies we gave sodas to came to church today. Praise God!
As soon as we got home we met with Dan to discuss our "God's Lavish Grace" book. It was another amazing time of talking through things and better learning how to accept God's free gift of grace to as. As well as learning how to explain it to others.
I'm so thankful that God has placed me here. This weekend, I ALMOST let satan get the best of me....But this verse kept popping into my mind... "I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." Psalm 16:8. And I'm CLAIMING that as my own.
OH YEAH...We also went on a prayer walk around the neighborhoods in Wentzville. Dillon and I went together....Chris and Josiah went together...and Rick went alone. We were going to meet back at the car in 30 minutes. and I'm thinking to myself, "PRAY? for 30 minutes? Dude? What am I even going to pray for? I don't know ANY of these people." (WHEN will I LEARN????) So....we start walking, and we pray for the people in this neighborhood, for the existing Christians, for people who have yet to hear, and as we're walking, all I can think about is the kids who just don't KNOW and their parents aren't teaching them about God. And Dillon says, "hey, is there something on your mind, cuz while you were praying, I felt like there was something you needed to pray about" And I was like, "uhh...yeah actually" So we began to pray for the kids. and as we're walking we come across kid toys everywhere, and this family with 4 little boys and the mom is screaming at them and calling them nasty names and the kids repeat it. And my heart began to break for these people. They just don't KNOW what they're missing! We continued to walk praying non-stop for all of these different things that God was placing on our hearts and speaking to us about. And I look at my watch thinking that we had only been walking for like 10 minutes...and we were LATE! It had been over 30 minutes. Again, a huge wake up call regarding God's faithfulness.
Because of this situation (and others) I've decided to take on a new way of thinking when it comes to things that I REALLY don't feel like doing, or when I know I'm going to be doing something that will really stretch me. Instead of worrying about it or getting bummed out, I get EXCITED. Because it seems like the times when I'm like, "Ugh, for REAL? We have to do THAT???" are the times when I'm completely SHOCKED by what God does! You'd think I'd learn!
I'm exhausted from this weekend, but also pumped. I feel like I learned a lot and we also spent SO much time together as a team...and we really bonded. Go us. =)
I'm so excited to see what God has next.
I hope that reading this encourages someone. =)
Romans 6:14 "Sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace."
Anyways, I was totally just overwhelmed and blessed by that conversation with Rick. I think we all were. We spent the weekend handing out free sodas, helping at different events in the community, and setting up for the church service. TWO of the ladies we gave sodas to came to church today. Praise God!
As soon as we got home we met with Dan to discuss our "God's Lavish Grace" book. It was another amazing time of talking through things and better learning how to accept God's free gift of grace to as. As well as learning how to explain it to others.
I'm so thankful that God has placed me here. This weekend, I ALMOST let satan get the best of me....But this verse kept popping into my mind... "I have set the LORD always before me: because he is at my right hand, I shall not be moved." Psalm 16:8. And I'm CLAIMING that as my own.
OH YEAH...We also went on a prayer walk around the neighborhoods in Wentzville. Dillon and I went together....Chris and Josiah went together...and Rick went alone. We were going to meet back at the car in 30 minutes. and I'm thinking to myself, "PRAY? for 30 minutes? Dude? What am I even going to pray for? I don't know ANY of these people." (WHEN will I LEARN????) So....we start walking, and we pray for the people in this neighborhood, for the existing Christians, for people who have yet to hear, and as we're walking, all I can think about is the kids who just don't KNOW and their parents aren't teaching them about God. And Dillon says, "hey, is there something on your mind, cuz while you were praying, I felt like there was something you needed to pray about" And I was like, "uhh...yeah actually" So we began to pray for the kids. and as we're walking we come across kid toys everywhere, and this family with 4 little boys and the mom is screaming at them and calling them nasty names and the kids repeat it. And my heart began to break for these people. They just don't KNOW what they're missing! We continued to walk praying non-stop for all of these different things that God was placing on our hearts and speaking to us about. And I look at my watch thinking that we had only been walking for like 10 minutes...and we were LATE! It had been over 30 minutes. Again, a huge wake up call regarding God's faithfulness.
Because of this situation (and others) I've decided to take on a new way of thinking when it comes to things that I REALLY don't feel like doing, or when I know I'm going to be doing something that will really stretch me. Instead of worrying about it or getting bummed out, I get EXCITED. Because it seems like the times when I'm like, "Ugh, for REAL? We have to do THAT???" are the times when I'm completely SHOCKED by what God does! You'd think I'd learn!
I'm exhausted from this weekend, but also pumped. I feel like I learned a lot and we also spent SO much time together as a team...and we really bonded. Go us. =)
I'm so excited to see what God has next.
I hope that reading this encourages someone. =)
Romans 6:14 "Sin shall not be master over you, for you are not under law but under grace."
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wentzville, MO weekend #1

Ok....So....In writing this, I realize that some of the people reading this are people that are HERE in St. Louis with me...which could make this interesting because I'm about to be super honest about how I'm feeling.....proceed with caution. =) (And keep in mind that I'm human...)
Let's start with yesterday....We had our first meeting with Curt. We will be meeting with him monthly to go over different team what we're frustrated with and just working on relationship stuff. So...We talked about each persons strengths and weaknesses and also conflicts that we've had and how to improve. Initially, I was NOT looking forward to this meeting because anyone who knows me knows that I do NOT love conflict or stepping on people's toes. I'd rather let things go and just get over it eventually. =) But after the meeting, I left feeling SO much better! And actually excited to work on the things that the boys had pointed out to me. We ALL 4 have so much room to go and praise God for grace! It's going to be an amazing year. Then last night I met with Maria (My mentor) again. It went really well! I really enjoy talking to her. Although I'm having to get used to just sitting and talking about myself the entire time. I keep feeling like I need to say, "And how are YOU doing?" lol haha here's where the brutal honesty thing comes in =)
This morning I woke up FRUSTRATED. This weekend's agenda consists of driving an hour to Wentzville this afternoon followed by days full of events ending with church and then youth group on Sunday. And while I was kind of excited to go somewhere new, for some reason this selfish part of me took over my attitude and all I could think about was the fact that I JUST WANT TO SLEEP IN! (stupid flesh!) ALSO....I was supposed to stay at Rick and Gail's with two of the boys...and one boy was going to stay with a family from the church. But that got changed and I was not looking forward to going somewhere I wasn't familiar with AGAIN. I just wanted something familiar....(Again, me being selfish)
So....we start driving and the car ride was fine and dandy. But the whole way here I'm thinking, "Ugh....NOT what I want to be doing" So...while we're driving, I don't even remember when or why, but I started to feel REALLY convicted for my attitude. I text a few people asking for prayer....and continued to pray under my breath for MYSELF. (what a concept? lol)
So...after missing our exit and getting pulled over for speeding, we made it here. (slightly late...but at least we arrived!) We went to Rick and Gail's house (Location Pastor of Jubilee in Wentzville) As we were walking in, I was like "LORD, change my thinking. I need to know that you're going to help me so that I don't get frustrated with myself"
SIDENOTE: for some reason, whenever I see or hear or taste something that reminds me of home....I just immediately get this warm fuzzy feeling and I just feels like God is loving on me =)
Ok...back to the get into the house and They have a dog......a WEINER DOG....named scooter!!! *tear* =) Thank you Lord....
(FYI....I have a weiner dog...and the first one i had was named scooter)
Rick talked with us about church planting and what that involves. INTENSE! People really have no clue...I mean, even I have no clue...but I'm just fascinated by it!
Then we went and handed out free ice cold pop! (AGAIN, something I am familiar with and love doing thanks to my father!) That was a blast. Then we went and set up the masonic lodge for the church service on Sunday. I STILL can't believe that they go through all that set up every Sunday! It's amazing....We got it done fairly quickly and at this point I was all pumped to be serving these people. (again, thank God for attitude changes!)
We went back to the house and hung out and had dinner.....7 games of monopoly deal later....I was STILL the reigning champion. Lol (hahaha)
Rick brought me over to Gavin and Rachel's house....On the way here, I was praying, thanking God for the work He'd already done in my heart today...
So, we get here....and Gavin and Rachel live in a beautiful house with 6 kids...and a Golden Retriever named Sam. (SAM!!!!!!!! Yes, I said sam....) lol haha
Anyways, I got to hang with their kids a little this evening. (THE most well behaved adorable kids I think I've ever's pretty amazing) And I also got the talk to them a little about where they come from...they both have really cool stories and I hope to get to hear more details about it later. He is from England...she is from Washington. They met in California doing something similar to year team. There were 4 guys and 3 girls....they all matched up and got married besides the one guy...who married an old girlfriend that God had already told him to marry. and all of them STILL keep in touch...years later. Gavin and Rachel ended up here involved in different churches and are now planning on staying here for a year or so to serve with Jubilee and then moving back west. Crazyness!
God is so good.
I think I'll go to sleep. =) Tomorrow we are heading out to do some more community outreach stuff. And going to a football game at Holt Highschool in the evening to talk with students there. =) Exciting.....
Thanks for reading this. =)
Be encouraged! God WANTS to reveal Himself to you when you need Him most.
Just ask.
(And then keep your eyes OPEN's comin'!)
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Anatomy Labs and Voodoo Doughnuts
Ok fine! I'll blog, I'LL BLOG!!!!!
ha ha....
k so for real though, life has been good here at the Pac. Just been working hard when it comes to homework and being immersed in college culture.
Here are a few highlights of the past few weeks:
ha ha....
k so for real though, life has been good here at the Pac. Just been working hard when it comes to homework and being immersed in college culture.
Here are a few highlights of the past few weeks:
- open gym volleyball every Sunday night 9-12
- singing at the top of my lungs with the roommate
- quoting bon qui qui (youtube it)
- composition class friends
- listening to "Party in the U.S.A" multiple times a day
- green grass
- anatomy labs
- Saturday Market
- uphill/downhill walks to get ANYWHERE
- making new friends
- late night trips downtown
- thinking we missed the max.......walking across the bridge to get to the next stop and getting passed by it.
- fabric paint
- unlimited ice cream and gym access. :)
- Timber's game
- spending time with other girls whos names end in -ina
- almost ALWAYS having new friend requests on facebook
Thats all for now...feel free to ask questions.

So....Nothing too interesting to post about.
I guess I'm posting just for the sake of posting! =)
SINCE NO BODY ELSE SEEMS TO BE CONTRIBUTING TO THIS STINKIN' BLOG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok....done screaming.
So anyways....spent the day at the church building. Nothing too exciting going on. Tomorrow is the 1st annual chocolate chip cookie competition. (Dillon created it...for his own selfish gain!) haha
Renee and I are on a team. Go us. lol
I'll let you know WHEN we win. =)
Ummm.....we leave early Thursday morning for Wentzville. Spending the weekend there helping at Jubilee. Doing some community outreach and helping with the youth. Should be fun.
*yawn* I'm so NOT in the mood to bake cookies. =(
If we hadn't already submitted our registration form for this competition I could back out.....
Darn. I go......Time to get my bake on!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Grace, Quesadillas, & Leviticus

Oh my goodness. What a week! I wish I would have had time to write on here earlier because now my brain feels like it could explode! SO MANY THINGS TO TELL! =)
Ok...where do I start! This week was crazyness. I just finished a report that is due by tonight at midnight...(that is SO not like me to wait this long!)
So...we read Leviticus this week. Holy Cow! How insane?!?! I'm pretty sure I've read this before...but it was kind of interesting to me how I was reading crazy law after crazy law in Leviticus....and then reading 3 chapters in God's Lavish Grace about how we are no longer under the law. PRAISE GOD! I mean I understand that the purpose of this law was to set the Israelites apart from the rest of the world and to fulfill God's covenant with Abraham. But, OH my goodness that a lot of rules. And killing animals. (those poor priests!) I'm reading God's Lavish Grace I found myself reading incredibly slow, trying to take in every ounce of information and wanting to highlight nearly every sentence. lol
Some of my favorite quotes from what I've read so far:
"The only way in is through his perfect gift of righteousness, and having gained entry we must learn to stand in grace"
"Forgetting to read what the text actually says about 'reigning in life", we tend to set ourselves targets to live by, as though that was the secret"
"You reign in life by receiving abundant grace, not by putting yourself under laws. It is because of your standing that you reign in life"
"You will always be vulnerable to Satan's pointed finger of accusation if you don't understand and wholeheartedly embrace the gift of righteousness that God has freely given you."
"Unless a church has been invaded by clear teaching on the grace of God it can often breathe an atmosphere that lacks joy and seems far removed from the ethos of the early church"
"Let the wonder of God's gift of grace overwhelm you. Let his grace set you free. Let it bring you into a deep sense of his total acceptance of you, just as you are!"
Talking about how we all try to set goals for ourselves or "new years resolutions" and then when we fail to meet these self-imposed requirements, we feel disqualified.
"Forgetting to read what the text actually says about 'reigning in life", we tend to set ourselves targets to live by, as though that was the secret"
"You reign in life by receiving abundant grace, not by putting yourself under laws. It is because of your standing that you reign in life"
"You will always be vulnerable to Satan's pointed finger of accusation if you don't understand and wholeheartedly embrace the gift of righteousness that God has freely given you."
There is also a part of the book that talks about how sometimes on the day that people get saved they meet a mixture of freedom and implied bondage, the lightening of their load followed by a new load. A series of new rules and guidelines that immediately imply unworthiness or inadequacy. Not cool. Not cool at all. That's PART of the reason why it's so important to understand this concept of grace. To share it with others!
"Unless a church has been invaded by clear teaching on the grace of God it can often breathe an atmosphere that lacks joy and seems far removed from the ethos of the early church"
"Let the wonder of God's gift of grace overwhelm you. Let his grace set you free. Let it bring you into a deep sense of his total acceptance of you, just as you are!"
Everybody together now....breath a huge sigh of "oh my GOODNESS that makes sense!" =) haha
So yeah...the book is amazing. (I probably could have just summed it up with that and moved on...or maybe I should have just copy and pasted the whole report I just wrote.) haha =)
So....Thursday morning. Woke up at 6am. Left at 7 for Pastor's prayer. Got there around 10:30. All the pastor's of the New Frontiers churches in Missouri were there AND I got to meet the year teams at the other churches. =) That was cool. Met the other two year team girls. =) Chit-chatted with them about what it's like to be with only boys. (FINALLY! Someone who can relate!) haha
The prayer time there was amazing! These men are such prayer warriors! It was intense. So cool to see the leaders of the church interceding for growth in the church that already exists, and expansion. We even prayed for the northwest and thanked God for all He's doing there! It's amazing. He talked about how Chris Brannon's church is becoming a part of New Frontiers this month (I think it's this month) AND The River Center is officially a part of New Frontiers VERY soon also!
I WISH that I could just give even half of my excitement about that fact to the people in the River Center! We Really truly have no idea how awesome it is to be joined to this family. And that's really what it is, a family. Every day I'm amazed at how everyone knows everyone (or knows OF them at least). It's like this GIANT cobweb =) haha Seriously though, I want to come back to the River Center and get people excited about the conferences that are taking place all across the United States with these amazing teachers and WE get to be a part of them! Coming up in January is the Mobilise conference for College students that I'm SUPER excited for. And then the Equip For Missions conference a month-ish later.
AHHHHH!!!! I just wanna scream with excitement and gratitude for how GREAT our God is and how excited I am for where we are headed! drive home from the prayer meeting. Get home around 7ish....and have Bryan drop us off at Amie and Rebekah's house for a little time of fellowship. We ended up eating quesadillas and then worshipping...and praying like crazy! Just praising God and thanking Him for who He is and what He's done. It was one of the most powerful prayer times I've been a part of.
Ryan suggested that we pray for people individually. So we prayed for healing for Allison who has had excruciating back pain for days and dr.'s don't know what is causing it. So...while we're praying over here people started having visions, and words, and praying for not only physical healing, but emotional healing as well. It was amazing! You could just SEE the Holy Spirit moving in her as we were praying for her. And for the first time in my life, the Lord gave me a vision. For Allison. My first instinct was, "ok, is this for REAL?" And all of the sudden I found myself shaking...and crying and I was like "WHAT is wrong with me?" I shared it with her, and then began to regain my composure. =)
People had words over her about how God was just beginning a process in her. Powerful powerful stuff.
We also prayed for lots of other people, including myself.
It was SO apparent that the Holy Spirit was touching people. I found myself praying things and not knowing what I was saying....but making sense. (If that makes sense)
And God spoke to me....THIS is one of the things I'm going to grow in! THIS is one of the spiritual gifts that I want to learn to use, for God's glory.
We got home late. Super exhausted. But it was worth it.
Today was nuts. So...tonight I'm just kinda chillin.
In fact, maybe I'll watch a movie?
I DO miss home. Especially when John Lanferman was talking about The River Center and Warren....*sigh*
Miss and Love you all...
Monday, September 7, 2009
Alright already!!!!
Here I am!!! I made it! So you readers may not know this but I am a contributer to this blog as well. BUT I am a bad blogger. I seriously have thought that there is no way I could have anything as interesting to write about as Gina and Brit. But after some poking and prodding ( and threatening) I have given in and here i am. They both have encouraged me to write about ANYTHING. So here it is... My blog for today. And update into our little lives.
The newest and biggest news is that we are looking for a house! We have been searching for a while now and are trying to find something soon. I am getting tired of the things in our house that need fixing and not wanting to put any money into it. We also want our own space. Especially if we intend to have a family in the future:) So readers, if you see anything that screams NANCY AND BRENT and first time homebuyers....Give us a call :)
The next news is that I am proud to say that photography has bought me a new camera (yes that happened before Brit left but its still cool!! ). The business seems to be going well keeping me busy. I seem to always have people scheduled. We just pray that this is a business that can not only bless us but bless others. It's exciting to see it grow. Now if I could only finalize my website!!!
Well everyone, that's it for today! Thanks for making me do it Brit and Gina! Love You Guys!
Saturday, September 5, 2009
I'm STILL in the Lou...
In case you were wondering where I'd gone...I'm still here. Just haven't taken the time to write lately! (Sorry mom!)
*deep breath*
It's been a pretty busy week! Started off great...with a beautiful baby being born, (my host family) meetings, discussions, random odd jobs....This week really did fly and thinking back I'm not even sure what occupied all my time. But SOMETHING obviously did cuz I didn't find much time to get my reading done! lol
Adara Lynn was born on Tuesday morning. She is gorgeous! They just got home from the hospital yesterday but I am VERY excited to have a new baby in the house!
On Wednesday we had the involvement fair on Webster University's campus. Then on Thursday we went to Wester again to do surveys. Oh Surveys. *sigh* you probably know, (anyone who knows me knows this) being SUPER extroverted and just approaching people to do a survey, is NOT my favorite activity. I doesn't come natural. was me and the guys (Chris, Dillon, Josiah) plus Ryan in the car on the way there and we decided to pray for our day. And as we prayed I felt every ounce of worry or anxiousness leave me...and I was like, "ok, WHAT do I have to lose?"
So we got to the campus, split up into teams and headed out. We approached people and asked them if they would be interested in taking one of our surveys and if they did we would enter them in a drawing for one of two gift cards. Most people said yes. =)
There were 6 questions.
1) What are three words that best describe your life:
2) What is one thing you want to do before you die?
3) What do you think is beyond this life?
4) If a friend told you they wanted to be a Christian, what would you tell them or how would you explain that to them?
5) What would you say if someone told you that YOU could have a relationship with Jesus right now?
6) Would you be interested in meeting with other students to discuss questions like these?
So...basically...we were just trying to get the word out about our college group, (LATITUDE) and of course meet new people and maybe make them think a little.
But what was interesting to me was that when I was going into this i was thinking that I would meet some cool people that were kind of searching for something...but didn't know what. And I was praying that God would give me the right words to say to share the love of Jesus with them and perhaps build a little bit of a foundation to where I could keep in touch with them and eventually invite them to LATITUDE.
But what ACTUALLY happened was this: I found that my heart broke for a whole different type of people. It was the people that said that they weren't interested in talking about this kind of thing, or even the people that said, "I ALREADY have a relationship with God" but in the next sentence they said that they thought that when we died, nothing happened. And as I'm listening to these people answer these questions and even tell me a little about their lives, it breaks my heart because they just don't know. And the ones that do "know" don't really "KNOW!" Meaning, they were shown this twisted crazy picture of what being a Christian really is and they have a hard time viewing it as anything else.
Overall it was an awesome day there. Chris met a really cool guy and sat and talked to him for like an hour and a half. And one of the girls that Ryan talked to got saved!!! We were all pretty pumped when we got back from that day! =)
Ok...I've gotta speed this up...I'm exhausted.
Friday- volunteered at Buder Elementary. WOW!!! 1st graders are crazy little things!!! We had fun though :) Then that night we went to Gabe and Ali's house for a Wine and Dessert party. That was a blast! We ate WAY too much dessert and played Monopoly Deal. (New favorite) Then Renee and I came ready for bed...and got a phone call to go to Amie and Rebekah's. =) MORE fun. And MORE monopoly deal. =)
Today we got up at a decent hour and went to Long Middle School to help the students from Washington University. We drew all kinds of fun things and projected them onto the wall for the other students to paint. Then tonight we went to Mike and Theresa's for a BBQ. TONS more fun and TONS more monopoly deal. Yes, I have a problem. I'm aware. lol
Anyways, Tomorrow's church. Then shopping day with the GIRLS. Oh BOY do I need some girl time! =) Definately looking forward to it!
Keep praying for me and the team. We're getting along alright but I KNOW that there are many challenges/growing opportunities ahead and we definately have alot of room to grow.
Miss you all....
*deep breath*
It's been a pretty busy week! Started off great...with a beautiful baby being born, (my host family) meetings, discussions, random odd jobs....This week really did fly and thinking back I'm not even sure what occupied all my time. But SOMETHING obviously did cuz I didn't find much time to get my reading done! lol
Adara Lynn was born on Tuesday morning. She is gorgeous! They just got home from the hospital yesterday but I am VERY excited to have a new baby in the house!
On Wednesday we had the involvement fair on Webster University's campus. Then on Thursday we went to Wester again to do surveys. Oh Surveys. *sigh* you probably know, (anyone who knows me knows this) being SUPER extroverted and just approaching people to do a survey, is NOT my favorite activity. I doesn't come natural. was me and the guys (Chris, Dillon, Josiah) plus Ryan in the car on the way there and we decided to pray for our day. And as we prayed I felt every ounce of worry or anxiousness leave me...and I was like, "ok, WHAT do I have to lose?"
So we got to the campus, split up into teams and headed out. We approached people and asked them if they would be interested in taking one of our surveys and if they did we would enter them in a drawing for one of two gift cards. Most people said yes. =)
There were 6 questions.
1) What are three words that best describe your life:
2) What is one thing you want to do before you die?
3) What do you think is beyond this life?
4) If a friend told you they wanted to be a Christian, what would you tell them or how would you explain that to them?
5) What would you say if someone told you that YOU could have a relationship with Jesus right now?
6) Would you be interested in meeting with other students to discuss questions like these?
So...basically...we were just trying to get the word out about our college group, (LATITUDE) and of course meet new people and maybe make them think a little.
But what was interesting to me was that when I was going into this i was thinking that I would meet some cool people that were kind of searching for something...but didn't know what. And I was praying that God would give me the right words to say to share the love of Jesus with them and perhaps build a little bit of a foundation to where I could keep in touch with them and eventually invite them to LATITUDE.
But what ACTUALLY happened was this: I found that my heart broke for a whole different type of people. It was the people that said that they weren't interested in talking about this kind of thing, or even the people that said, "I ALREADY have a relationship with God" but in the next sentence they said that they thought that when we died, nothing happened. And as I'm listening to these people answer these questions and even tell me a little about their lives, it breaks my heart because they just don't know. And the ones that do "know" don't really "KNOW!" Meaning, they were shown this twisted crazy picture of what being a Christian really is and they have a hard time viewing it as anything else.
Overall it was an awesome day there. Chris met a really cool guy and sat and talked to him for like an hour and a half. And one of the girls that Ryan talked to got saved!!! We were all pretty pumped when we got back from that day! =)
Ok...I've gotta speed this up...I'm exhausted.
Friday- volunteered at Buder Elementary. WOW!!! 1st graders are crazy little things!!! We had fun though :) Then that night we went to Gabe and Ali's house for a Wine and Dessert party. That was a blast! We ate WAY too much dessert and played Monopoly Deal. (New favorite) Then Renee and I came ready for bed...and got a phone call to go to Amie and Rebekah's. =) MORE fun. And MORE monopoly deal. =)
Today we got up at a decent hour and went to Long Middle School to help the students from Washington University. We drew all kinds of fun things and projected them onto the wall for the other students to paint. Then tonight we went to Mike and Theresa's for a BBQ. TONS more fun and TONS more monopoly deal. Yes, I have a problem. I'm aware. lol
Anyways, Tomorrow's church. Then shopping day with the GIRLS. Oh BOY do I need some girl time! =) Definately looking forward to it!
Keep praying for me and the team. We're getting along alright but I KNOW that there are many challenges/growing opportunities ahead and we definately have alot of room to grow.
Miss you all....
Friday, September 4, 2009
Livin' the life...
Well I can officially check week one of college classes off my list. Hooray! Its been a pretty good week....I would say that I have done a pretty good job of balancing work, fun, and sleep. :) There has definately been more reading than I expected (for the first week anyways) but that's alright, the actual class part has definately been fun. :)
Starting to blend in here too....I think a lot of that is because I'm finally realizing that I'm with these people for the next year at least. Usually when I meet new people I have the camp/mission trip mentality that I have to connect with them as quickly as possible because I don't have much time with them. But thats not the case It has been good though, definately starting to make those connections that I know are gonna last a while. :)
Starting to blend in here too....I think a lot of that is because I'm finally realizing that I'm with these people for the next year at least. Usually when I meet new people I have the camp/mission trip mentality that I have to connect with them as quickly as possible because I don't have much time with them. But thats not the case It has been good though, definately starting to make those connections that I know are gonna last a while. :)
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