Monday, September 21, 2009

"I had to ask Melvin and Doug Williams to stop by...."

As I was about to type this blog....that song came on.....I turned it up and announced to the room that I was dedicating it to you, momma. =)
I miss you today. (Hence the reason I didn't text or call you....)

I don't really have a specific thing to blog about tonight.....

Although there are two things that have been on my mind lately-

Thing #1-
Family...Is important. Even extended family. There is no reason for me to NOT be in contact with my cousins! I HATE it that they have kids that barely know me. What happened to the days where we got together every once in awhile? I mean...I realize that I'm in St. Louis now and it's not exactly practical. =) But...when I get home...this is one thing I would like to make more of an effort at doing. Even if it's just a facebook message now and then....

Thing #2-
I've noticed something about the people I've met's almost been like taking a step back in time to when everyone was so hospitable. The majority of women know how to cook, (I mean REALLY cook) And people have people over....and get together often...and it's "normal."
Another interesting thing is that people here have extra rooms in their house....occupied by other people in the church, or not occupied....but for the use of GUESTS. What a concept?
I want a guest room! (I suppose that I need my own house first...I'll get right on that when I get Anyways, I just like how much of a FAMILY the church is.
Along with this....since I've been here, the Heins have made sure to go out of their way to make me feel like family. Anyone that stays in this house is considered family. That has made this whole transition alot easier!

I'm so thankful that God placed me with the Hein's & Renee. Renee and I have regular giggle-fests about ridiculous things. :)

I guess my mood tonight is just....thankful.

We had LATITUDE tonight. (college group) and as I was sitting there I was just looking around at all the people and thinking about how I DON'T feel like a "new person" even though I've only been here a month! CLEARLY a God thing!

=) I feel like I've grown and changed so much in the short time I've been here...I almost wonder what it will be like to go home. I know for SURE that I don't want to just "slip back" into what I was before. But I'm pretty sure that things will stay different. =)

God is rocking my world....drastically. And I kinda like it!


  1. Brit,
    GO FOR IT! Let God come in and rock your world. You will love it. :)
    Thanks for the awesome post.

  2. What a wonderful post. You are such an amazing and brave young lady. I will continue to keep you in my prayers.

  3. Everytime I go to post a comment I always want to to say who are you and what have you done with Brittney.. Im so proud of you, and it was one of the hardest things in the world for me to let you go, but everytime I read something you write I can see how God is in this whole thing and how he's Loving on you, and changing you,, So you go girl, let go & let God have his way and when you come home you can get us all lined out in Oregon::))Love,Dad reaching thru this thing and giving you a big bear hug!!

  4. You SHOULD have a guest room in Oregon...because then when I come visit I will have a place to stay and we can continue the giggle-fests! :)

    P.S. Random administrative thing...giggle-fest is not marked as a misspelled word. I just find that weird! I guess you can put -fest on anything and it makes it "email-fest" or "feet-fest." Huh...interesting.

  5. Ok...once again, you've made your momma cry. I had to go get my CD and play that song....then I cried some more. Today I miss you more than ever...I keep counting down the days until you come home...only 89 to go. I keep telling myself that it's "only" 89...but holy cow....89????? That's a long time....But...God can do alot more in your life in 89 days, so really it's gonna be ok. What you said about family is so right is so is too short to let petty things come in between our relationships. What is more important than people???
    As far as you going back to the way you were....I have more faith in you than that...I know you will teach us a few things....I can't wait to sit and talk with you for a while!!!
    I love you, my precious daughter, and pray God's continuous blessing on your life. Just receive all the He has for you!
    Love and hugs...

  6. Oh are hilarious.
    I love how you write the exact same way you talk. It cracks me up.
    you wanna hear something funny? I am listening to that "melvin and doug williams" song RIGHT now! haha.
    Mom and I had to listen to it. Brought tears to mom's eyes. We miss you so much back here. See you soon. Can't wait to see your smiling face(:
    -ur lil sis-
