Ok....So....In writing this, I realize that some of the people reading this are people that are HERE in St. Louis with me...which could make this interesting because I'm about to be super honest about how I'm feeling.....proceed with caution. =) (And keep in mind that I'm human...)
Let's start with yesterday....We had our first meeting with Curt. We will be meeting with him monthly to go over different team things....like what we're frustrated with and just working on relationship stuff. So...We talked about each persons strengths and weaknesses and also conflicts that we've had and how to improve. Initially, I was NOT looking forward to this meeting because anyone who knows me knows that I do NOT love conflict or stepping on people's toes. I'd rather let things go and just get over it eventually. =) But after the meeting, I left feeling SO much better! And actually excited to work on the things that the boys had pointed out to me. We ALL 4 have so much room to go and praise God for grace! It's going to be an amazing year. Then last night I met with Maria (My mentor) again. It went really well! I really enjoy talking to her. Although I'm having to get used to just sitting and talking about myself the entire time. I keep feeling like I need to say, "And how are YOU doing?" lol haha
Ok....so here's where the brutal honesty thing comes in =)
This morning I woke up FRUSTRATED. This weekend's agenda consists of driving an hour to Wentzville this afternoon followed by days full of events ending with church and then youth group on Sunday. And while I was kind of excited to go somewhere new, for some reason this selfish part of me took over my attitude and all I could think about was the fact that I JUST WANT TO SLEEP IN! (stupid flesh!) ALSO....I was supposed to stay at Rick and Gail's with two of the boys...and one boy was going to stay with a family from the church. But that got changed and I was not looking forward to going somewhere I wasn't familiar with AGAIN. I just wanted something familiar....(Again, me being selfish)
So....we start driving and the car ride was fine and dandy. But the whole way here I'm thinking, "Ugh....NOT what I want to be doing" So...while we're driving, I don't even remember when or why, but I started to feel REALLY convicted for my attitude. I text a few people asking for prayer....and continued to pray under my breath for MYSELF. (what a concept? lol)
So...after missing our exit and getting pulled over for speeding, we made it here. (slightly late...but at least we arrived!) We went to Rick and Gail's house (Location Pastor of Jubilee in Wentzville) As we were walking in, I was like "LORD, change my thinking. I need to know that you're going to help me so that I don't get frustrated with myself"
SIDENOTE: for some reason, whenever I see or hear or taste something that reminds me of home....I just immediately get this warm fuzzy feeling and I dunno...it just feels like God is loving on me =)
Ok...back to the story....so....we get into the house and They have a dog......a WEINER DOG....named scooter!!! *tear* =) Thank you Lord....
(FYI....I have a weiner dog...and the first one i had was named scooter)
Rick talked with us about church planting and what that involves. INTENSE! People really have no clue...I mean, even I have no clue...but I'm just fascinated by it!
Then we went and handed out free ice cold pop! (AGAIN, something I am familiar with and love doing thanks to my father!) That was a blast. Then we went and set up the masonic lodge for the church service on Sunday. I STILL can't believe that they go through all that set up every Sunday! It's amazing....We got it done fairly quickly and at this point I was all pumped to be serving these people. (again, thank God for attitude changes!)
We went back to the house and hung out and had dinner.....7 games of monopoly deal later....I was STILL the reigning champion. Lol (hahaha)
Rick brought me over to Gavin and Rachel's house....On the way here, I was praying, thanking God for the work He'd already done in my heart today...
So, we get here....and Gavin and Rachel live in a beautiful house with 6 kids...and a Golden Retriever named Sam. (SAM!!!!!!!! Yes, I said sam....) lol haha
Anyways, I got to hang with their kids a little this evening. (THE most well behaved adorable kids I think I've ever experienced.....it's pretty amazing) And I also got the talk to them a little about where they come from...they both have really cool stories and I hope to get to hear more details about it later. He is from England...she is from Washington. They met in California doing something similar to year team. There were 4 guys and 3 girls....they all matched up and got married besides the one guy...who married an old girlfriend that God had already told him to marry. and all of them STILL keep in touch...years later. Gavin and Rachel ended up here involved in different churches and are now planning on staying here for a year or so to serve with Jubilee and then moving back west. Crazyness!
God is so good.
I think I'll go to sleep. =) Tomorrow we are heading out to do some more community outreach stuff. And going to a football game at Holt Highschool in the evening to talk with students there. =) Exciting.....
Thanks for reading this. =)
Be encouraged! God WANTS to reveal Himself to you when you need Him most.
Just ask.
(And then keep your eyes OPEN cuz.....it's comin'!)
Oh my gosh, Britt. Scooter?! Sam?! Weener?! Retreiver?! WOW! That is waay awesome. Sounds like ur doing great. Keep up the good work. I can tell God is really working in you.
ReplyDeleteDouglas says hello...he is scratching at my leg atm. Anyways..ur doing great! i love you tons...have a good weekend1 (:
-Ur lil sis-
Wow...once again, you have, I mean, God has blown my mind. You know, it's kind of funny how we are... I prayed for God to bless you and to reveal Himself to you in a very special way. I specifically prayed for Him to reveal Himself in a way that only you would know. You would know it was from Him....wow...you can't get more specific than 2 of the same dogs, with the same names! But the funny part is...I'm like, "wow, I can't believe God did that!" DUH, we need to expect it....like you said....God wants to reveal Himself to you when you need it the most, then keep your eyes
ReplyDeleteopen, cuz it's comin'!
I am so glad that God loves you so much, it sure makes it easier to be away from you. I miss you tons, but know that God has both of His hands on you and you're not going anywhere He doesn't want you to go!
You're an amazing, gal...can't wait to get my arms around you again!
Love you,