Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Here I go....

Here I go....blogging. Because I know I should. And because I have something to say. =) Even though, not gonna lie, I wouldn't mind going to bed right now. =)

Ok....So....It's been an o.k. week so far. I feel like I've been really busy. But looking back on the week I'm not sure what exactly I've accomplished? Hmm....

Renee and I had a little Party McHarty at our house last night. It was fun. =) Amie and Melissa cut hair, and I painted a few nails and we ended the night watching "Monsters vs. Aliens" LOVE that movie. =)

Earlier this week Bryan had encouraged us to take initiative and plan different outings and things we can do to either serve the community, or evangelize, or just help out at the church building. So today we planned on going treasure hunting. For those of you who don't know what that is, let me explain. (Cuz...I'd never heard of it until I got here)

I guess that there are different ways to do it...but what we did was we had a time of prayer and worship and you ask God to tell you where He wants you to do...or who He wants you to meet...and you make a "treasure map" with whatever information God gives you and then you go out....and find these people that are on your "treasure map" and tell them kinda what you're doing and that God pointed you to them...and you move your lips, letting God say the words, Jesus saves, party in heaven. =)

For example...Today when we were praying, all I could think about was yellow. Why yellow? I have no idea. But I didn't say anything about it and then Dillon goes...."I keep getting this picture of something yellow. Is that weird?" And I was like...." Me too" So we wrote down yellow =) Anyways, there were multiple things that we wrote down. But as we were praying, Josiah had a word for me about God wanting me to grow in the gift of discernment and that He has made me sensitive to people and what they're feeling. And He wants to reveal things to me if I trust Him. And What was funny about that was that I hadn't told anyone but that's something I've been praying about a lot lately!

I know that God has given me this gift. But I used to think things like: "UGH! ok...I dont' even KNOW that person, I heard something about them and now I'm sitting here crying about it. WHAT is my problem???" And lately God has been showing me that this thing that I've thought of as "weird" or "a problem" is actually something that HE has given me and I need to not only embrace it, but seek to go even deeper in it.

I was looking through old notes and things a couple weeks ago and I was reminded of a time in my life when I literally just didn't care about ANYONE but myself. And I went to Generation Unleashed one year and asked God to give me compassion for people I knew, and even strangers. And I remember sobbing at the altar...and the speaker saying that the desire that God has placed upon your heart is going to become reality.

I had forgotten about that moment until recently and when I remembered it I was like "WHAT have I been doing? THIS is the very thing I asked for...and not only have I taken it for granted, sometimes I despise it!"

((((((((SIDE NOTE: I feel like sometimes I'm exposing like every ounce of my guts when I type on here and maybe I need to be a little more private...but I have already heard a few people say that they've been encouraged by what God is doing in my life and if I'm staying up late, going cross-eyed as I type, and losing feeling in my fingers from typing so fast just for ONE person to go deeper in their relationship with God, it's worth it!)))))))

Ok....back to my Josiah had that word for me, I was very encouraged and excited...we continued to pray....and God continued to speak. We left and went to places that we felt God was telling us to go. We all talked to different people. And that ALONE was a challenge for me! To walk up to a complete stranger BY MYSELF and strike up a conversation...ok, I'm not Dillon....that doesn't just come natural to me. =) But it was GOOD for me. =) Overall, it was a great experience. I left encouraged and happy because by the end of the time, I had DONE what God wanted me to do.

Back to what Josiah was talking about earlier: The majority of the time, I'll feel like God is speaking something to me, and then I'll be like "wait wait wait...did I just make that up?" Or "Wait.....does this REALLY make sense" And today, I'd be thinking something and then doubting myself, having this battle inside my head and instantly Dillon was like "Brit....I feel like God is telling you something, what is it?" ha. This happened EVERY time. Finally, I caught on and just told them right away what God was speaking. =)

I am learning to appreciate the fact that God made me who I am. A sensitive woman. And, *sigh*, it's a GIFT, not a problem.

At the end of the day...I am humbled.
That the Creator of the Universe speaks.
To ME.
And to you. =)

Ask Him.
He'll do it.

And when he does, don't doubt it.
Doubting truly is a waste of time. =)
Just listen to what He has to say and be obedient.

Ready. Set. Go!!!


  1. You're awesome Brittney. It is so amazing to see God moving in you and teaching you how to "HEAR" Him when He speaks. I wish I was learning all He's teaching you...and maybe I am, by reading what you write. So don't stop writing...we're listening. He's speaking to you, you're writing and we're listening...and I'm going to practice some of the things He
    teaching you. Divine appointments...that's what He's giving you. How awesome to be lead by the creator of the Universe! What an exciting life you are leading now...being lead by His Spirit. You GO GIRL! I'm rooting for you!! Aunt Bonnie

  2. You go girl!! That is the key to walking in your destiny - hearing, listening and obeying the voice of our wonderful God!
    Sounds like you are in the right place at the right time with the right people!
    Keep up your pursuit of that intimate relationship with God!
    FA (Aunt Charlotte)

  3. I'm all teary eyed; First of all because of your "treasure hunt" experience...Second of all because of the encouragement you are receiving from your family that loves you....
    I am so challenged by your story, to listen and do what God has for me to do. I am so proud of you Brit, that you are stepping out of your comfort zone, doing things you never thought you'd do, and experiencing a relationship with the God that has loved you even before I knew you!
    Love you so much and can't wait until you come home, so that I can wrap my arms around you! Only 80 more days!!!
    Kepp it up, girl, you probably have no idea how many people are being encouraged and challenged by what you write!!!
    Love you so much!
