Wednesday, September 23, 2009

I cry! =)

=) So....Just a few things on my mind today, I figure that I might as well blog them to:
a) Help me remember
b) possibly encourage someone.

So...first of all....I was thinking this morning....about how many amazing women I am surrounded by here in the Lou. For real. One thing that I've noticed is a common factor with all of these women is that they ARE what they ARE, without hesitation.

Let me explain.

I remember a time in my life when one person (who I happened to look up to) would always give me a hard time for crying so much...and being too emotional. Unfortunately, I remember multiple conversations with this person that involved tears and me leaving feeling like there was SOMETHING wrong with me...There HAD to be! Why did I always cry? THIS HAD TO CHANGE!
Over the years God has revealed to me that HE has made me perfect....abundance of tears and all! =)
One lady (here in the Lou) in particular has inspired me to BE what I AM and not hold back. It's OK that I get tears in my eyes sometimes when I watch a commercial, or hold a baby, or talk about certain things. And it's OK that I cry when I pray for people that I truly care deeply about. and it's OK that sometimes I see a person that I don't know and my heart hurts for them...and they're still on my mind days later.

Not only is this normal....This is what God intended. THIS is who God designed me to be.


Another thing.....Today as I was trying to get a head start on my God's Lavish Grace book I was once again fascinated by what I was reading! the first chapter was all about how works apart from love are worthless.

"Works that are not motivated by love are unacceptable to God, they are mere religious activity"

Repeat that a few times, I DARE you to live that way! It also was talking about how sometimes as Christians we feel obligated to do certain things. Such as...visit a friend in the hospital. Going to see someone simply because you feel "obligated" kind of defeats the purpose....and Terry Virgo refers to it as "unfruitful activity" Interesting....

Next chapter is called "What have I done to deserve this?" (talking about Grace) The entire chapter is about how God CHOOSES the weak and the poor. He CHOOSES them!

"One of God's mysteries, not so much to be analyzed as to be enjoyed and celebrated, is that the Lord loves you because He loves you!"

It goes on to talk about how God often uses people who aren't considered by the world to be "bright." I love this concept....because as I was reading it, I was thinking about how so often it just seems "natural" for a "smart person" to step up as a leader...but the problem with that so often "smart people" already know everything! They aren't as desperate to learn....hungry for every ounce of knowledge that God has for them. Hmm....

"If, on the contrary, you are one who has always despised you own insights and intellectual skills, celebrate this wonderful upside-down kingdom! you don't have so much to unlearn. Perhaps you don't have so many strong opinions that need to be jettisoned. Come in simple faith to Jesus. Let Him be your teacher."

Oh man...ok...LAST quote for this particular blog session....It's a good one....I promise...

"You may wonder what you have done to deserve God's love. How is it that God has shown you such kindness? This is the very stuff of grace, that he amazes you, contradicts every expectation, seeks you out, finds you, and lavishes love upon you. You have done nothing and can do nothing to earn His grace. The secret of his grace to you lies deep in the mystery of his foreknowledge. Simply receive it, celebrate it, delight yourself in it and live as one whom God is pleased to favour from his own overflowing of resources of kindness."

*wipes sweat from my brow (and possibly a tear...)*
That's good stuff!

So yeah...all in all it was a GOOD day. Filled with reading. Oh BOY did I read a lot.
Deuteronomy. *deep breath*

Tomorrow....we start at 9.....We will be spending 9am-1pm in solitude. I'm thinkin I'll walk to a park....Just me, God, and a notebook. =)

Then the year team is meeting for lunch to go over the things that God showed us during our alone time.

I'm super excited. I have NEVER done that before! And I have NO doubt that it's going to be amazing.

K...I'm going to get some rest....Goodnight world...


  1. i like crying...for nothing. it is okay because it is never for nothing. just seems. glad somebody is blogging on this blog!

  2. You've wowed me again. Here I am, your mother and you are wowing me. I have always loved it that you were sensitive....sometimes it was a little challenging to know what to say to you when you came home crying, but I have always thought that you being sensitive was a good thing....
    I love the "Works that are not motivated by love are mere religious activity" quote. That is so true...How any times have we done things out of "obligation"?
    I am really looking forward to reading the book, "God's Lavish Grace." Warren said I could borrow his...It sounds like it will be quite an experience....
    Love you, my little girl, keep to read how God is speaking to you!
    You're awesome....
    Love, You're momma

  3. Hey you.
    Thank you for this blog. Just this month I had a talk with my sister about crying! :) She has always been the emotional one and me, not so much....until recently...When I am in God's presence, I know it and I feel it and it is almost overwhelming. Sometimes to the point I cannot speak. Maybe that is a good thing, you know, just soaking in God's love and grace without words. Just letting him wash over you. Never be ashamed, Brit and never change for anyone. You are perfectly made, in His image and we love our sweet, Brit. :)
    You go girl.
