Saturday, October 3, 2009

Song of the day & more...

Jason upton

I will not fear as I wait for the dawn, if you'll keep on holding my hand.
I'm crying out from the depths of my soul, with words I just can't understand.
You have set my feet upon a rock that's not moving.
You have placed a song of hope in my heart, and I'm singing. I'm praying.

Lord, do not hold back your loving kindness.
Lord, do not hold back your mercy.
You are the way and the truth that guides us
Everyday you are the one who preserves me.

This song is my hearts cry. I'm not sure what exactly is making me feel this way...but for some reason I just need one of those mom-hugs today. You know, the kind that ONLY your OWN mom can give you? Yeah, one of those. And one of those dad-hugs that I always try to resist. And a little sister hug.....and a little (although he's taller) brother hug. There aren't really any other hugs on earth that can replace those hugs.

I'm ok, mom. (don't buy a plane ticket!) =)

It's just one of those days. =)
Tomorrow will be better.

Yesterday we worked at the church building until 5...then headed out to go camping with the 4th-6th grade class at Jubilee. (Once again I wasn't exactly thrilled about this trip initially, but was reminded of how God has a way of humbling me when I start to get an attitude about things....they usually end up being the most amazing times! Ugh...I'm impossible sometimes!)

Anyways, We drove to Illinois to stay on some property owned by someone from Jubilee. It was beautiful out there! (Maybe that's what brought this on...) I mean, don't get me wrong, I DO miss mountains....and fir trees...and the crisp Oregon air....but It was STILL beautiful. And so peaceful...

We had a great time roasting hot dogs & marshmallows, playing in-the-dark games, and Daniel even taught the kids a little about China...and we had an amazing time of prayer. I sat there, in the dark, the familiar smell of fire wood burning, listening to these 10 year olds pray for people in China, and of course had to shed a tear or two. Those kids can PRAY! I was totally shocked...and amazed at the things they prayed for. It blessed me so much.

Today we had breakfast together and played outdoor games. The kids had a really good time. While we were in the woods, we played the spider web game. (anyone who's gone to China knows what I'm talking about!) Anyways, so we're out there...and again, I'm stinkin getting emotional just missing everyone...and as I'm walking around, I was thinking to myself, "I WONDER if they have those furry little striped yellow and black caterpillars here?" I always smile when I find one of those hangin out on a leaf in Oregon. lol So...just cuz I was being weird, I said out loud "I wish I could find a caterpillar! Jesus, help me find a caterpillar!" I got a funny look or two. =) Oh well.... He could do it, right? I mean...honestly, he could just zap one from Oregon to Missouri like BAM. =) Don't laugh! It's true....

So...anyways, we went on with our day and I got to ride the 4 wheeler. =) There's just something amazing about that feeling of the wind blowing in your face. (There's a small chance that I might be a country girl. I love all of these things WAY too much!) Then we had lunch together. I found myself praying alot throughout the day...something about that atmosphere that just makes me wanna chat with Jesus. =)

After a fun afternoon of exploring and stuff we cleaned up camp. And I was in QUITE the giggly mood as we were taking down the tents. The boys were cracking me up today. They were all in goofy moods. I love days like that. =) I'm so thankful for my team. Really, I am. (Someone remind me of this moment on days when I want to wring their necks!)

So, Dillon and I are attempting to take down the huge tent and we were having a HECK of a time getting all the air out of the stinkin thing to roll it we were like throwing our bodies on the ground to smash the air out... =) And I'm laying on the face almost on the ground, (Who cares, I was nasty gross at this point anyways! lol) And I look down.....and there, on the stinkin Missouri stinkin ground...........

A Caterpillar.


Ugh. God is so good.

Caterpillars are stupid! It's not like they're super significant.....but I wanted to see one...I prayed about it....and I found one. i mean, God brought me one. =)

Now, go ahead and laugh at my little story if you'd like. But let me just tell you something, when you pray about some silly little thing, and the GOD of the UNIVERSE answers your prayer, you feel pretty loved.

=) That was pretty much the extent of my story. Sorry it's so scatter brained. lol

I'm going to go finish laundry and pack. We have 2 services tomorrow morning and then we leave immediately after church to go to Lees Summit for training week with all the other year teamers! Hooray!!!

=) I'm excited. Exhausted, but excited.

Thanks for reading my post.... =)


  1. Aaaawwww. This one really warmed my heart. I would love nothing more than to give you a big hug right now. You're right, there is nothing like a hug from someone that loves you sooo much! I miss that! Dad, Mikayla and I are fighting over who gets the first hug when you get off the plane at Christmas time. I say it's me, because I carried you for 9 months before anyone else even knew you! Yep, it will be me, that's for sure. :)
    Doesn't it amaze you just how much God really loves you! I mean....a caterpillar? He knew that would give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside to see one of those little guys!
    Sounds like you had an Oregon experience out there in the woods....that is so cool. The fire and all, probably really reminded you of the good ole days? We have a lot of memories of sitting by the fire. But I seem to remember someone complaining about the smell of smoke on your clothes. Things change, huh?
    Oh, what I wouldn't give to be sitting by the firepit with you right now. Miss you something horrible. But.....I will be okay too. You are doing amazing things for God and it blesses this momma so much!
    I thank God for you and what you are doing. You keep it up and we will have so much to talk about when you come home!
    Love you, you sentimental little thing, you!

  2. Mikayla told me how to find you! You can look at us at

    I've been thinking about you. I know you are doing the right thing. Get everything out of your time there that you can!


  3. I wish I could post a photo of a caterpillar here. :) That was a pretty cool story! :) Thank you for sharing about your "answered prayer!" :)
    Love you.
